C97,1Á Chap. XIX Point >Vf. Of Contenting to rejet all from Cetnmunion, who defirenot our Epifopal Confirmation L. Ethin yoo that have written a Bookfor Confirmation fhodd notfcruplè contenting to this. M. Ttold you that I am fo far from fcrupling the true ufe of Confirmation, that I think it is the want ofit that is the greateft corruption of the Church ofany outward thing that I remember. But you muff note, r,, That it is the Englifh way ofConfirma- tion that we (peak of. z. And that it is not the thing it self, but the denying men Church-Communion that neither have it, nor delire it, whichwe here dilfent from. 1. What miffire you in the Englfh way of Confirmation? M. I muff firft tell you how the cafe .hands in matter offad I. When Chrift fent forth Preachers , he endued them, not all, With equal Gifts and Power : Tho' molt had fome extraordinary Gifts and Infpiration, it was made, tho' not proper to the Apo- files, yet for the molt part their priviledge above all others, that theHoly Ghoff was given to thole on whom they laid hands, for miraculous ads ; efpecially fudden fpeaking ofTongues not learnt, and Prophefying; tho' the gift of Sanîification neceffary to Salvation was given to all true Believers, bywhomfoever con When the Apolfleswere dead, and there miraculous Infpi- rati ns grew rare firft, and then ceared (unlefs in fome very rare inffance) yet the ordinary Pastors continued the Cuftáfn after Baptifm, to lay on their hands as for the giving of the Holy Ghoft. As they did alto the Ceremony of Anointing the Sick, which hadbeen ufed for miraculous Cures. 3. The dead Ceremonies of laying on of hands for the Holy Chaff, and ofAnointing,being ufed without thePower and former EffeEts, fomewhat elfemutt be thought on to keep up their repu- tation. And as to that now in queftion, firft they added more to the Ceremony ofit, and Anointed the Perron with Oyl, and made the fign of the Crofs on him, thereby to lignifie his being Anointed with the HolyGhofl, and fortified thereby to föllow a CrucifiedChrift thro' Sufferings. And when it was feen that theHoly Choft was not thereby given for Miracles, they thought O that