I( .[98] that he was given in a double degree for Corroboration :. And forne thought third lie. was not given at all in Baptifm, ( that did but wafh awayguilt_) but by Conhrniationafter. 4. Hereby Confirmation got the name of a Sacrament ( as Anointing the Sick alío did ) and was ufed prefently after Bap - tifm for the aloft part 5 and the Ceremonies of it were made morepompous, and it was appropriated to the Bifhop, for the . aloft part 5 orif Presbyters did it, they muft ufe no Ointment to Anointand Crofs them with, but what the Bifhop made by mix- ture, and blef}, to make it holy : And°becaufe he could not go himfelf to the Sick, the Presbyters mutt fetch all their Ointment for this alfo, ready madeand hallowed from: the Bifhop. 5. When Infants were Baptized, they thus prefently Anoint- ed themalto,. and called it their Chryfm and Confirmation, till then he was takenbut for a halfor imperfect Chriftian, that was only Baptized and not Confirmed. 6. Popery having turned moft ofChrilsOrdinances into a dead Image, ufed thefe called Sacraments, to keep up a Ceremonious fhew ofReligion, and to keep up the power of Bifhops in that for- mal way. 7. WhenReformation prevailed, the Papifts feven Sacranients- were examined and only Baptifm and the Lords Supper found to be Chrifts Sacraments of the Covenant of Grace : Ordination tobe the Minifterial sacrament of Orders, or Confecration to that Office. Matrimony to be a common Domeftick Sacrament of Marriage: Confirmation and Extream Vncbion, to be abufive imi- tations of Antient Miraculous Ads : And /enhance to be tome expreffionsof Repentance made more necefftry than indeed they were, and Arbitrarily impofed by mans invention to keep up the Dominionof Ambitious Priefts over the Souls of deluded men re Tho' at fiat only introduced by meer Dire6tion ofMinifters to men oftroubled. Conscience, chewing what ref}itution and repa- rations of thehurt they had done by fin were neceffary, and what expretion of their Repentance was molt fit. 8. Hereupon the Reformers caft away the Sacraments of Pen- mince and ExtreamVnt-ion, and reduced thefour firft to their Pri- mitive State and Ufe : and the abufed way of Confirmation they call off, but fome defied .to make an advantage of the name, for another end and duty of great moment, which had been neglect-' ed. to the great corruption of the Church. And the Church of. England.