Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

1'131 of aria ! for Prelates and Priefls to curie, and call out the Childrenof God, for faying that they go againft his Law. L. But what is =ifs the Book. of Ordination ? M. I am anon to tell you that But if there were nothing a- mils in it, yet the beliefof its innocency is not neceffary to Sal- vation. L. But ifevery man have leave to accufe the Ordersof the C,hasrch, rrhat Order can be.maintained? M. T. Leave modeflly, to exprefs diffent in a doubtful cafe may Randwith Order. 2. Ifmen do it diforderly, there be o- ther Penalties betides ipfo fado Excommunication : Every breach of the peace is not Rebellion, nor punitlit with Death. But I'll tell you briefly what may occaLon good men to fay that their Ordinations are finful. I. In that they thereby obtrude Paftors on theChurches upon the bare choice of a Patron, withocít or againíl the peoples wills. 2. In that they profeffedly ordain fuch as their Canon forbids to Preach or Expound any Doärine. 3. In that they determine that Bithops, Priefls and Deacons are three diftináï Orders, which yet is an undetermined Contro- verfie d among mennfor that whicch the veryPpifls leave at li- berty cut ? 4. In that they ordain men to an Office which Scripture mak- ethno mention of. Dr. Hammond faith, that it cannot be proved that there were any Presbyters fubje t to Bithops in Scripture times, nor any but Bithops : None that had not Tower of Ordi- nation and the Keys ; nor any Bishops ofa multitude ofChurches and Presbyters, bothwhich arehere ordained. S. In that they Swear Obedience to Arch- biíhops and their Sees ; and make Priests Covenant Obedience to their Ordinaries, as aforefaid. Ifa godlyman do as Bucer did to King Edward the ;Sixth, as youmay fee in his Scripta Anglic. and defire forne of thefe faults tobe amended, Both he deferve to be cats out as an impenitent wicked man for this ? when they that will fay, all's well that the Bishops do, may live quietly in open vice or ungodlinefs. As Dr. Stoughton faith, If you Trade a Schifmatick, and Chrii find a Saiat lye bleeding, andyou be to anliver for it., I would not be an your Qez