3. Yet I (hall fullier convince you : The Bifhops and Parli rrìentare of the mind of the Church ofEngland : And the Canons do moil fully fpeak the Churches mind. And the SeventhCanon before cited, when it makes it ipfofad° Excommunication to call the Church Government finful, tells you, that they extend this to [Arch-bifhops, Bif,ops, Deans, Arch-deacons, and the ref that bear Ofice therein. 4. And I believe ifyou fhould fay that I take my Oath tobind me from endeavouring no change of the Government of the State, but only of the Effence of Monarchy, you would quickly feel the Errorof your Expofition. L. But I can lureyou, that many able Conforming Minifiers tale the Declaration in the AEI: of Uniformity, in fuch fences as afore- faid. M. Our King is King ofScotland as well as ofEngland, and he bath thus declared his fence in thecafe of the Earl ofArgyle, and the Reafons of it are confiderable. And do you think that it can be the true fence in England, and deferve preferment as to Loyal and Obedient Minifters, which deferveth Death it felf in Scot- land? can you wi(h for a clearer Expofition ? L. And why willyou not Swear never to endeavour any alteration, ifyou be requiredfo to do? M. I have read Dr. Stiilingfeet's Irenicon,and many filch Books, in which I fee how great a number of our greateft Divines, as well Arch-bifhop Cranlner,tookthe FormofChurch Government to be alterable, and not fixed by Chrift : And if the Doorhave changed his judgment, that changeth not the Authority of thole that he citeth. a. I have in my full Treatife of Epifcopacy told you why I cannot but with more than one thing in our Ecclefiaftical Courts and Government changed. 3. I take it for a matter that deferveth confderatiot, whe- ther it be no change ofthe State Government, to make all the Church Government unchangeable, and fo to difable the King to change it : And how to reconcile the two parts of the Oath ? And whether if the whole Church Government as fixed, mutt thus be Sworn to as Monarchy is, it alter not our Constitution ? Or at leaft be not a perillous Innovation. SZ If