vert his GOV ERNMENT wherefore we refolvYe in eve- ry Parifh of this County, to leave ftrit Warrants in the hands of all Conftables, for the Seizing of fuchPerlons. And as an encouragement to all Officers and others, that íhal1 be inftru- mental in the apprehending of any of tl:em , fo as they may be brought to Juftice , we will give and allow Forty fhil- lings , as a Reward, for every Nonconformift Preacher that íhall be fo fecured. And we Refolve to Profecute them , and all other fuch Dangerous Enemies of the Government , and common Abfenters from Church , and Frequenters. of CONVENT I CLES, according to the Diretionsof a Law made in the Five and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of Q Been E E I ZABETH, Entituled, An AFt for the keeping Her Najefties Stzbjeas in due OBEDIENCE. Laftly , That we may never forget the infinite Mercies of Almighty God, in the late Wonderful Deliverance of our Gracious KING, and his Deareft BROTHER, and all His Loyal Subjets , ( who were deigned for a Maffacre ) from the Horrid Confpiracy of the Phanatiques , and their Accomplices ; and that we may perpetuate as well our own Thànkfulnefs, as their Infamy, that the Generations to come may know their Treachery, and avoid and never truft men of fuch Principles more; and allo , that we our felves may perform our publick Duty to Almighty God, before we enter upon the Publick Service of our Countrey : We Or- der , Refolve , and Agree , with the Advice and Concur- rence of the Right Reverend Father in God , our much Ho- noured and Worthy Lord BISHOP, to give and befiow. for the Beautifying of the Chappel in the Cattle of EXo N, and for the erecting of decent Seats there , Ten Pounds And we will likewife give and continue Six Pounds to be paid yearly to anv one of the Church of Exon, whom the faid Lord BISHOP (hall appoint, to read the DIVINE SERV 1. CE , with the Prayers lately appointed for the day of Thankfgiving on the Ninth of September lafi , and to Preach a Sermon exhorting to laid OBEDIENCE, in the Chappel on the ñrii day of every. general Quarter-Seflior s of the Peace held in the faid,(-afire, to begin precifely at Eigi ie of the Clock in the Morning. (a 2) And