Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

[r4;j,. för depofing King on Excommunication. And what wonder when they goon that falfe Suppofition, that the People give the Prince his Power for their own good, and may take it from him if he turn it againft them to the hurt of the Common-wealth. ./VE I pray what 6y Politick Writers, Papitls and Proteftants in this cafe ; I mean the Eminent ones, fuch as Bodin, Althufîus, Ar- nifaus, Tholofanus , Befoldus , Choquierius, 1Ylenochius , Liebentha -. lies, Contz.en, Koningh, Timplerus, Willius; Berekringer , and fuch; others. L. They commonly run one way , founding Power in the People, as being the Majeftas Realis, andgiving the King's and States a derived Majeftatem Perfonalem , which being for the Common good , they may re f si when it would deftroy it. They took,their Politicks by Learn- ing from Ariftotle, 'Plato, Cicero, andfilch Ancients, and no won- der if theyfollow them. M. And I pray you which way go our famous Hi,jtorians in this Point, fuch as Commines , yovius , Guicciardine , Pontanus, Slei- dan , Thuanus , Befoldus , yohnF1'on , Fregius , and our Englilh Math. Paris , Henry Huntington, Mat. Westminster , Malmsbury, Hoveden, &c. I You know they livid in times when Civil J'Vars werefo frequent, andPrincesfo bad, and one pulling down another, that it's no wonder if they praife forge refuters. But- if you read thole of our Age that lived in quiet Times and under good Princes, fuch as Carnb- den, Speed and Baker, you will find no fuch thing. M. I pray which way go the famous Civilians herein , fuch as Gothofred, Hörtaman, Cujacius, Wefenbechius, Paciva, Duarenus, and filch others? L. You knew that the Civil Law isfetcht from the Romans, and it's no wonder if it run in their ftrein. M. I pray which way go the Canonis`ís ?' L. Ton know they are Papi.s`is, andfet up the Pope's Laws above the King's :. But our Englifh Canons do not fo. M. I pray which way go our late Proteftant Lawyers, filch as Cook, and Littleton, and the like ? L. They are allfor Loyalty, and for the Preeminence of the Law and yet for the King's :rerogative. M. I find fome of the greaten Lawyers, that have 'defended Monarchy, _filch as William Barclay and Grotius, do name ma- ny Cafes, in which it is lawful to refit What think you of their Writings ? L. /..