CIJ that troubled the Peace,' and turned the World upfide down. The Devil himfelf dare not own the name of Lying, Malignity and Murder, nor of Perfecuting Men for Truth and Goodnefs, and Gods Caufe. And verily it feemeth the Controverfie ofmany in this Age, whether they that fcarce (peak of God but in Swearing and Cur- fing, nor of Religion, but in fcorning or threatning the feríctas praCtifers ofit, and that favour 'little but Eating and Drinking to the full, and Playing, and getting Riches, and hateing all that are f}ri&er than they, or thole that make Gods Law their rule, and Obedience to him the work of their Lives, and his fericus Worlhip their delight, and Heaven their hope, and dare not wilfully fin againft God, nor be Perjured or Lies I fay, which of there be the honefler Men ? L. But you cannot deny that your party hath preached the Nation into Rebtllien (for the Parliar ent agatrft the King) and therefore arejz.tlyfifbeEl-ed till they repent. M. i. What mean you by F czarpar. y ? ] Ifyou mean Noncon- fórnmifis to the prefent Laws of (cnformity, ycu are eafily con- futed : For the Rebellion was over, and the King reflored be- fcre theprefent Conformitywas'Enaáed : And N` hen, there was no fuch Law, there were no Nonconformifis to it, nor any fuch Party inbeing. Ifyou mean the old Nonconformifls, I anfwer you, 1. They were part for the Parliament, part againft their War, and part Neuters. 2. There was a multitude ofConformift.:Minifters for thePar- liament for one Nonconformift : I have oft proved, that there was at the beginningof that Parliament, not many more Non- confcrmift Minifters left in England, than were Counties, if fo many. In theWejtrninfter Affenibly there were but fevenoreight Englifluen : Moft of the Sermons before the Parliament, which are now molt blamed, were Preached by Confor- miffs. 3. Such as kept in, and obeyed the Parliament and Ufurpers, did molt of them Conform, of 9oco or 10000 Minillers, there were but two thoufand that Conformed not : And did meer turning to Conformity manifeft Repentance ? 4. But I have oft, and oft faid, if they will filence all that had any hand in Wars, ( except the Confvrmifts) and no more, we will