Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

Di5 -3.1 on my Doarine, but the .words of that Book which I revoked long 'ago, and forne Claufes in my Saints Reft, which I expung- ed before the King came in : And if my later writings (as rz y SecondPlea fc1' Peace ) written purpofely to fàtisfie themofmy prefent judgment, be 'not regardable, why do they call me to re- traCtations? And ifthe Act ofIrdernpnity have done nothing a- gainit our former Actions, all General 4'Ionk's Army, and the _ reft, fuch that reftored the King, inuft expeót the like reward if death deliver them not from mens wrath.' L. But why fhould you not give over Preaching when you are f lenceci? Have not the Bill:vs power toflenceand degrade, as well as to ordain or the Parliament at leaf ? M. We doubt not but the Magiftrate hath power to hinder Preachers fromdoing mifchief, and to reftrain thole that Preach Rebellion, .Sedition or Heretic., or that do more hurt thangood:. But not on that pretence, to hinder good, and to forbid Chrifts Minifters to Preach his Gofpe!: I3ifhops and Senior Paftors are Invefting Miniftersof Chrift, to ordain fit 'Men to the Miniftry, and judge of their fitnefs to that end : And if men prove uncapa- ble, by Apoftacy or Herefie, or Perfidioufnefs, they ought to do as Cyprian did about Martial andBJìlide.s, require the Congrega- tion in the name ofChrift to f3rfake them. But they have no power to forbid any faithful rMinifter to do the Office to which he is -Ordained, nor to forbid the people to hear them : And if they do, their Commands .are nullities as to any Obligation to Obedience. L. But they thatgiveyou the Office may take it array. M. He that giveth it as a Donor may, which is Chrift, but not he that only as a Servant delivered] that which his Mafter gives. Ifyou fend aServant to deliver a Man Poffellion ofHoule, Land, Horfe, Money,, OT. That Servant cannot take it from him at his pleafure. I do not think that the Prieft that Marryeth Men, Can unmarry them when he will : Ifhe could, I think he would have more work. I fcarce think the Patron that giveth one a Be- nefice can take it away when he will ; which is more alienable than the Office. Aman cannot renounce it himfeif when he Will, who bath foine more power of lìimfelfthan the Biíhop hath. Do you not know that all are agreed that the Office of the Miniftry is as Marriage, during Life,. and not for Tryal or at Plea.. fure,,