Cr. 5-51 lure, except in cafe of Adultery ? Therefore the Papias fay, 'that Ordination maketh an Indelible Character : Of this all Parties are agreed. L. But why fay yew the Ordainers do not give you the Power but as Inveftinglifinif-ters? you are not called immediately by Chrift as the Apoftles were ; whò then doth give it you, if not the Or- dainers I. The Office lyeth in an Obligation to great labour and -great patience as well as in a gift of power. It is a power to work in a fuffering flate. And as the Bifhop can oblige no man to this againít his will, foneither can he oblige any man farther than Chria and his own confent oblige him. Therefore it fol- ioweth that neither can he give the power farther than Chria giv- tth it 5 and the Ordainers and People, and Magifirates have each their part under Chria, in the conveyance. L. How doth Chrifl- give Miners their Office ? ./11. 1. He maketh a Law that there alai' be a Miniary, and 'fpecifieth the Office by defcribing their work, and the neceffary qualification of the Perfons : So that it is not left to Bifhops nor any to alter the Office, nor to admit any uncapable Perlons in- to it. 2. Next aria bleffeth Mens Preparatory Studies and endea- vours, and by his gifts and grace cloth give them all Minifterial Abili ties. 3. He maketh them deGrous and willing of the Office and Work in Love to the bleffed Effeds, and fo maketh themCon- fen ter.F. 4. His Providence bringeth them where their Labours are really.needfdl. . 5. He moveth the minds of the Flock or EledorS to defire, chufe or accept them. 6. He commandeth the Ordainers to Approve and Ordain thofe that are thus qualified as afore laid. k 7. He commandeth Magiftrates to proted and encourage them. 8. He commandeth the Neighbour Church-Paftors to own them in their Neighbourly Communion. Thus you may fee how Minifters are made by Chrift, tho' not without mans Ser vice. X 2, Do