Cj)71 them that do not feed, and clothe, and via them, may condemn us more, if we betray their Souls. 5. We fear being guilty' of ferving the Devil, in defecting and betraying Souls that are our truft As a Captain that fhould defert his Station and fly, or fhould defert his Garifon and Truft, doth let in the Enemy : Or as Chrift faith , The hireling fleeth and leaveth the flock to Wolves : God faith to the neg- ligent Watchman , Ezek. 33. Their blood will I require at thy hands. 6. We (hall be a Temptation to the People to imitate us, and forfake the truth,and turn fromChrift : For if the Captains fly, the Soldiers are like to follow. And ifwe may ceafe Minifte- rial Piety they may think they may as well ceafe Family"and Private Piety. 7. We may look for the doom of the floathful Servant that hid his Maíter's talent , and was fentenced to' be caft for it into outer Dark.îefs. 8. We caft away our hopes ofSalvation by Chrift , ifwe caft away our Evidence of our Title to his Love : As he charged Teter, three times, Ifhe loved him to feed his Sheep and Lambs ; fo the fame extends to us : We tell him that we love him nor, when we wilfully deny to feed his Flock. 9. The charge is dreadful that Paul lays onTimothy, and coh- fequentlyon us, 2 Tim. 4. r. I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord ,% efu Chrift , who (hall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and his Kingdom ; that thou Preach the Word , be inflant, in feafon, out offeafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long fiífrering and doEtrine. Whenwe recite Paul s words, Neceffity ï; laid upon me, and woe unto me if ! preach not the Gofpel ; J Some are fo vain as to fay , that this woe belongs to none but thole that Chrift called. immediately , as if Men ordinarily called had no inch Neceffity. But Timothy was not called immediately by Chrift. io. Chrift himfelf hath told us, that he that puts his hand to the Plow , and looks back , is not fit for the Kingdom of God : And that the Servant that will be bleffed , muft give the Children their meat in feafon and be found fo do- ing. For three Reafons we dare not forfake our Office and Work. L. But