Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

T H E CONTENTS. CHap. I. The IntroduEtory Conference. Ch. 2. The things prefuppofed as agreed on. Ch. 3. What our Nonconformity is not , in 50 inflances. Ch. 4. A brief Enumeration of the things impofed on u.,s, which are the Matter of our Nonconformity. Ch. 5. I. Of Reordination. Ch. 6. IL Of the Oath and Covenant of Canonical Obedience to Pi- fhops and Ordinaries. Ch. 7. III. Ordained Minillersforbidden to Preach, or Expound any Scripture, or Matter or DoEtrine, Can. 49. Ch. 8. IV. and V. Of Subfcribing that there is nothing in three Books contrary to the Word of God, and Declaring Affent and Content to all in the Liturgy, &C. Ch. 9. VI. OfAfenting that it is CERTAIN by the Word of God, that Infants baptized dying before atlual Sin, are-undoubtedly fava (qua tales) not exceoting the feedofAtheiffs, yews, or any. Ch. to. V II. Of the Englith fort of Godfathers at Baptifni and their Vows. Ch. i i. VIII. Of refufing to Baptize fuch as have not fuch God- fathers. Ch. 12. IX. Of the Dedicating fymbol of Croffing at Bapiifm. Ch. 13. X. Ofdenying Baptifm where Croging is refuted. Ch. 14. XI. OfRejetling from Communion all that dare not receive Kneeling. Day always: Whether /mall lyes be Sin ? Ch. 15. XII. Ofconfentingto thefalfe Rule, as true,forfi Ch. i6. XIII. OfPronouncing all Saved that are Buried, except the XIV. Of Confentiq to readAifittch of tho/4p Excommunicate, Vnbaptiz.ed, and Self-Murderers.