13591 2. The greater -fbrt of Pariffies have more Work than many Minilters can do : They have belides-Study and Preaching, Chil- dren to Baptize , Godfathers to Examine whether ever they Communicated, Communicants mu[t beforehand give them no- tice, the fcandalous and contentious mutt be adrnoniled all the Communicants examined, whether they are Confirmed or rea- ciy and defirous to be Confirmed , all that Communicate not to have their Names taken and lent in to the Bifhop 5 all that arere- filled the Sacrament to be notified to the Count, and profecuted,. the Sick to be vilited,_ the ignorant and impenitent to be taught and exhorted 5 Marrying , Burying the Poor to be taken care of, and much more. And about London it is credibly (aid, that there can be no lets in the great Parithes than twoHundred thou land Perfons more than the Pariih-Churches will hold : Its thought that Martins, and Giles's in the Fields, and Giless Cripplegate , anct Stepney alone, have near an Hundred and Fourfcore, if not Two Hundred ThoufandPerfons in them : A tender- hearted Mari would be loth to Famifh, or otherwi Ce Kill two Hundred Thou- fand Dogs : It was the -greateft Maffacre that hath been heard of in any credible Hiftory of late (if not at any time) when the Irifh in fo fmall a compafs murdered two Hundred Thoufand Pro- teftants : But to ftarve Sofils, or by omiflion of our Duty to be- tray them to that Ignorance and Ungodlinefs which is the Cade of Damnation, is worfe than to Kill the Body. There cannot paft 4000 hear in there Churches : Yea, ufually, not pair 2C00 can hear the Preacher's Voice, intelligently 5 though 5000 or 6oco may come within the Doors. And ifyou fuppole that in there 4 Parit-hes, t6dco may hear one Day, and thole flay at home, and t6oto more hear the next Day (or rime) 32000 is but a fmall part ofEightfcore thoufand : And if fo far the greateft number malt turn pradical Atheifts,. and not publickly. Worship God at all, why thould not tuch places be denominated Pagan or Atheifts from fo much the greater part? L. But what is four Pariflies to all the re11, and the CommonCafe? M. I pray you enquire in Clement Danes,Weliminfter, Andrews Holborn, Sepulchres, Chrili-Church , Aldgate , Shoreditch White- Chappel, Olives and Madculenes Soiuthrak &c. and you May hear- how many others come near to the fame Cale : And muff fo famous a City as Lcudon be.Paganized oimade fo Atheiftical ? L.