Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

t [174] M. r. I prove Communion with us a Duty ; (Tho' it be not every Man's Duty to be Locally prefent with us , it is every Man's Duty not to a\oid it as an unlawful thing, but to be willing of it as hehath occafion). 2. It is a Duty for all Chriflians to own Communion with all true Members of. the Body of Chrift. But Nonconfortnifts and their Affemblies for Worfhip, are true Members of the Body ofChrift. Ergo The major is moft fully proved by Chrift , Yoh. 17. 24. and Palle I Cor. 12. throughout , and Eph. 4. I, 2, 3, to the 17. and Pom. 14. and 15. and manyother Scriptures. The minor I prove. All thofe are true Members of the Body of Chrift, who have all the Effentials neceffary to the Con- ftitution of fuch Members. But fo have the Nonconformifts and their Church Affemblies (as afore defcribed :) Ergo. The major, none but the ignorant of Logick will deny. As to the minor , They that have true Chrifflan Faith, Hope, and Love, have all that is Kendal to perfonal Members : And the ,Churches that have Paftors andPeople communicating in that Faith, Hope and Love, in Dodrine, Worfhip, Sacraments and tolerable Difcipline, are true Churches, parts of the Univerfal Church. But fuch are many Perlons and Churches of Noncon- formifis. Ergo. Themajor all found and knowingChriflians grant. For the minor no proof is neceffary but our Profeflion, till it be difproved. And let the Accufers of the Brethren, as they love themfelves , take this warning before they undertake to difprove it : Do it by no Argument that will ten times more condemn your felves and your Church , than fuch Noncon- formifts. 2. The fecond Argument is this : Jt is a Sinof Schifm to re- fufe Communion with thofe that Chrift receiveth, fowe own not any of their fin: Rom. 15. 6. d-c. But Chrift receiveth (into his Communion) the forefaid Nonconformifts and their Worflp- ping Affemblies. Proved asbefore. 3. It is a Sin to deny the lawfulnefs ofCommunion with Chriftians and their Aflemblies , for leffer faults than thofe Perlons and Affemblies had, whole Communion Chrift and his Apoffles were for : But fo muft they that will deny the lawful- nefs of Communion with the laid Nonconformifts and their. Affemblies. The