Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

C=94) CHAP. LII. POINT IX.. of denying Lay-men Communion in a Neighbour Parifh Church when they dure not Communicate in their on Parifh,for the Rea- fons aforefaid. M O you think it is a fin defervingexciufion from Chrifti- I . an Communion, fora man to think it unlawful for hint to own and encourage the Miniftry of an ignorant,infufficient,or grofly fcandalous, or hurtful Teacher. A poor Chriftian that is unwilling to be damned, and readeth that he Mould love his Neighbour as himfelf; perhaps , heareth the Prieft tell the People what hypocrites and odious perfons Non-conformi.fts are, and exhorts them to avoid fuch, and toprofecute them,and root themout as the intolerable enemies ofChurch and State, and as unfit to be Members, ofany Society : He is acquainted with di: vers Non- conformifts,their Lives, and their Books and Doctrines, and findsthe clean contrary. He reads in Scripture, [See that ye love one another with a pure heartfervently] He heareth from the Pulpit, [See thatye hate one another, and feekthe deftruEtion of one another,] Chrift. faith, [Love your enemies] the Prieft ex- horts them [ to root out their friends] Chrift faith [He that receivethyou, receiveth .me : andfhakeoffthe duff ofyour Feet againfi them that receive you not It (hall be eafierfor Sodom andGomorrah thanfor fuch] thePrieft faith [He that receivethfuch llinifters; finneth againft Chrift, andhe that bath any communionwith them is a Schfmatick,,] The man readeth, [Beware offalfe Prophets ; and thinks it a fin to encourage the teachers oflies andwickednefs] and he readeth [ He that hateth his Brother is a Murderer, and bath not eternal Life : andifI have not charity, Iam but as founding$rafs, &c.] He thinks hima.falfe teacher, that contradicteth Chrift ; and that feeks todamn the hearers. And he thinks that no tongue canmore contradict Chrift, than that which Preacheth downLove, and Preacheth for hatinggodly Men, tho' on flan- derous pretences, and that no man can do more to damn the People, than he that draweth them from love, to fuch- hatred°' Another liveth in aParifhwhere a dry ignorant.fellow affords him no filch help as he is-confcious his foul.needeth, and where. the Common - Prayer is fo.much .better, than the Sermon, that were , ,