195) were it not for that, he might better flay at home. And where the Priefts Converfatiòn encourageth the Drunkards and Pro- phane, and vilifieth godly Men. This man is for the Church-way, -but for a better Minifter The queftion is, whether for this hebe fo great a finner that all neighbouring-Minifters mutt drive him away, and deny him Communion. Another honett Chriftian taketh it for a fin to kneel at the Railes, or to join with the Organs, or to receiveor delire the Diocefan manner ofConfirmation, or to forbear Communion with all Chriftians whom the Church-men here condemn or cafl out. The queftion is, whether it be no wrong to any of thefe to be denied Communion at a neighbour Parifh, where his doubts are removed ? I prove that he bath right to fuch neighbour Communion. z. Becaufe he is a Member of Chrifts Body, the Catholick Church, and therefore bath right to the Communion of Saints. And to believe that in the Creed, and condemn it in Pra(ticel is to believetocondemnation. 2. They themfelves teach that a true Chriftian bath right to Communion with all Churches, where he hath jufl occafion .to feek it. 3. They fay that there is no Church without a Biíhop, and that the Diocefan-Church is the leaft true political Church : And if fo, he feparateth not from any Church that feparateth not from the Diocefan. 4. Thefeforefaidperfons do nothing to forfeit the Commu- nion of neighbour Churches ; therefore it is a fin and wrong to deny it them. Ifit were proved an errour to avoid that as a fin which they avoid,all mankind hath errours ; and to be over- fearful of Fire, or Water, or Plague)or Poyfon, is a tolerable fafe weaknefs, andnot like the fins that fwarm in multitudesof tolerated Parifhioners. L. That which is not fo immoral, as Fornication, Drunkennef-, Curfang and Swearing., may be more hurtful to the Church, andto de- firv? `greater fetierity fromGovernours. M. The Church-Keys are to be ufed with due relation to Heaven, and thofe are tobe taken in, or calf out, that Chrift will take in, or cart out from Heaven : And if you think he will damn an obedient godly Chriftian for fearing to partake of the C c z fin