(196) in of wicked Priefis, or for fearing to be poyfvned with:1 ve- kilingDoctrine,or for fearing the.vain.Worfhip of mens tradi; tions,rather than a prophane derider of Confcien.ce, and a filthy Fornicator,.. Drunkard orBlafphemer.; i fhall not think.it north my labour todifpute_with you, But men,that take the,Churches welfare to lie in the wealth and 'domination of filch as they, more than in the Holy Obedi- ence, Confcience, and Piety of the People, will object the fame that you now doe CHAP. LIII. POINT X. Of Srearnag never to endeavour any alteration of Govern- ment in the Church. 211. nr0W far this extendeth objëetively I before proved' X. 1=1 by. I. Thewords of the Oaths. z Theconfent of the. Bifhops. 3. And the words ofthe feven Canons ; and the Et Ca., Gera Canon in 164-o. fo that there is nodoubt of it. 2. How far it extendeth as to the perfons obliged, J before, told you, andyou may read ; T. In the Ccrporatiön .115t, which, impofeth it on all Corporations. z In the Veftry flat, which, impofeth it on all Church-Vefiries. 3. In the Act of uniformity,' which impofeth the fubfcriptiononall the Clergy. q.. In theOx_. ford, 4Et ofBanifhment,which impofèth the Oath on Non-conforte` milts, and more. 5. In theMilitia AUt, which impofeth it on alt the MilitaryCommanders, and Souldiers in the Land ; , fo that you may well fay, thatitisa National Covenant or Oath. 3 What is amifs in the Church-Government that needeth: an amendingalteration, I have fo often toldyou,that I will not, . repeat it. Judge then what this Oath importeth. L. it could never be the meaningof the Parliament,that no man ,hall endeavour to amend thefaults ofany Officers, Courtsor Actions for they often amend their own .cisof Parliament; and they referve uPoroer in King and Parliament,to make alterations even inChurch. Governments : But that belongs ndt to the People, nor fhould they en, deavour it. M. i. I hope youwill notconföund Stated Offices, and Mena, .Exercife-of them in Prablice. I grant that they donot bind us by Oath sever to endeavour thatBilhops,and all the Officers of. their