2.01 M. No,not in theEvil part But do you think that, the con; jtznCion of fome Ill things in a Vow or Covenant, doth difob- lige a man from all that's good in it? If fo, mark what will' follow. 1 Man is fo ignorant, and imperfe&, and faulty, that he doth nothing that's good withouta mixture offöme evil, how can finlefs perfeCion come from finful ImperfeCion? And fo we íhould be bound by no Vow, or Oath, or ContraC at all. 2. If Knaves once learn this Lell'on, they will be fure tofoil in forme ill claufe into their Vows to GOD, and their Cove- nants with Man ; that fo they may be bound by none. 3 The Oath ofAllegia ce or Fedelity to the King, and the King's own Oath at his Coronation, in the timeofPopery, had ill claufes in it for the Papal intereft; doth it follow that neither ofthem did bind ? 4. Ifan Irifh Tory íhouid, on the high-way, meet an EnglifJi Lord, and take his Purfe, pretend that he is againft the King, and fliould force him at once to take an Oath to be true to the King, and to give him his Eftate, and conceal his theft The latter is evil, and yet even that Oath bindeth to be true to the King. 5. If the Clergy in their Ordination, in time of Popery, had divers finful claufes and promifes, loth it follow that their Ordination was null, and obliged them to no Minifteriál Duty? 6. If the Clergy in former ages, or in France or Spain, be fworn to the King and the Pope, doth itfollow that this binds -them not to the King, becaufe it binds them not to the Pope? 7. If men were Married in time of Popery, with unlawful. Words and Clanks, or lately in England by juftices in new terms, was fuck marriagenull ? S. Ifa Papist make to you a Teftament,or DeedofSale ofhis Eftate, and put in forne ú ilawful claufes appealing to Angels,, or wifhing youto pray for theSouls in Pni'g rcry, I do not think you would take that Will or Deed for a nullity. 9. If in Popery or here, force Caaufes at Baptifmprove bad.,` it doth not nnilifie the Baptifinal Vow. ID d o. If