Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

2o6 ) not but theScots Cnfiiily abufed Him and theKingdor ; yet that alters not the cafe of theSubjects obligation by that Vow. 5. That multitudes ofLords, Knights, 2nd others took it that had adhered to the King in his Wars : All which undoubtedly puts it o 'ut ofthe cafe ofdiflòlution in Levit. 3o. Betides, the common Proteflant Dottrine is, that `neither Popes,Princes orPrelates, candifpenfe withVows made in re ne- ceffaria. Could Kings difoblige all their Subjects from their Oaths and Vows, it would`make a great change in the.Religion, Morality, and Commerce of the World : So that hitherto we haveno fatisfac`tion. L. Bat this was a Leagueand Covenant between man and snag, who are deador changed, andnot "a Vow to God, as yoca pretend ; en whichyou lay the refs ofthe Obligation. M. I have nothing to do with it as a League of Men, to do any action towards each other; but only as a Vow toGod, and Covenant of Duty to God : And tho' the name ofa Vow be not in it, I think him not worth the difputing with that on deli- beration denieth it to be a Vow toGod. Whom thinkyou elfe domen make there promifes to, of Repentance and Reformati- on, and oppofing Prophanenefs, &c. The words fignifte as fo-; Iemn a Vowing, as canwell be made by words. L. Ton would make all the Corporations of England conftituted by the grofj'efl Perjury that men can be guilty of, even by or juftifying themfelves, and all others in three Kingdoms whom they neverfaw, in the violatingof aVow againfi Here]y, Schifm, Popery, andPrpphanenefs, andImpenitence : When asyou know that our Cler- gy cry down Schifm every ¡day. M. I leaveall Men to anfwer for their own actions : I only tell you why the Diffenters dare not take thefe Oaths : I meddle not with other Men. And you know a man that faith, This Vow binds not, may yet hold that fomething elfe binds us againft the fame thing. But if I were for Schifm, and íhould argue from this topick of the non-obligation of the Vow, I know not how you could anfwer me. L. Let us try, What isyour Argument ? 1W. That which is no tin, is not to be avoided as &n. Schifm is no fin. Ergo Schifm is not to b! ov)ided as fin. ,Remember that I do hut plead their principles; L. I