Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

L. I deny the Miror. M Thar which amanVowing to avoid it is not by that Vow bound to avoid, is no fin : But Schifm (and fo Prophanenefs, andPopery) is that which a man vowing to avoid it, is not bound by that Vow to a- void ; Ergo Schifm is no :Tin. L. I deny both Major and Minor and f=ft the Major. M AVow to avoid fin alwaies bindeth. Ergo that is no fin which a man vowing to avoid is not thereby bound to avoid : eft 6" non eft are contradictoryTerms. L. I deny the Major, and diftinguifh, a lawful Vow to avoid fin ever bindeth, an unlawful one doth not, ltl Vnlawfulnefs is, i . In the Anof Swearing. 2: In the Aft of Impofing. 3. In the Matter Sworn. An Oath unlaw- fully Impofed and l'al`en, bindeth to a Lawful Matter. But for an Oath againft fin to be Materially unlawful is a contradiction For to be Sin and to be `Unlawful is all one. L. I deny that aVow againft Schifm binds not. M. The Vow called the Covenant bindeth no man. TheVow called the Covenant, is a -Vow againft Schifm ( Proms panenefs, and Popery ;) Ergo a Vow againft Schifm, ( Prophanenefs and Popery) binds not.. L. You argue á particulari : Tb? this yaw do not, another, array, M. I argue ab eJfentia particularis ad communem effentiam. If thisVow-have all that is eífential to a Vow and yet binds not,' then no Vow as fuch effentially doth bind. If the anima hujus bovis vel ovis, benot anima rationalis, and yet have all that effentiaito the anima brutorum, then it is not eflèntial to any ani- mabruti to be rational : And it cannot be accidentally fo here.' If the Vowagainft Schifm and Prophanenefshave all efl'ential to a Vow and yet bind not, thenno Vow bindeth qua tabs as a Vow. And ifVows bind only by,accident,or by fotnething elfe that's an adjunct, that's nothing for their own effential obli- gation. And fo much of the Corporation-Decîaratiot,