( 208 ) CHA P. L V I. Of many agreed Tremendous Circumßancer and Principles which affright many from, Conformity. M. Here are alto many general and collateral and cir- cumftantial confiderations that make men fear the guilt of Conformity the more. L. What are thole? I believeyou willfind as many of that fort ofreafons on the otherfide to move you to Conform, ifyou confid r them. M. I will tell you what I mean, and then I will hear all that you have to fayfor it. I. Weare all agreed that no fin mull bedpne for any commo- dity,or on any pretence ofgood. II. Weare agreed thattopretend Gods Service, or Name for our fin is a heinous aggravation : To fay, I mutt do evil to pleafeGod, to Preach and to win fouls, is ,Prophanenefs and Hypocrify. III. We are agreed that it is worfe in a Minifter of Chriít than inothers ;. becaufe he is bound to be an example to the dock, who are apt to imitate him. IV. It is granted that God is jealous about his worthip, and that the profaning-of Holy things, and finning openly in the Sa: credAfièmblies is,cæteris paribus,worfe than meer mifcarriages in our Converfation. V. Lying is bymoll acknowledged a great fin, as overthrow- inghumanecredit and converte : But efpeciallÿ in a Preacher, becaufe it will tempt men never to believe him : And to fay that we alIentand confent, and that ex animo when we do not, is heinous lying. VI. It is granted that man hath not a defpotical power ofhis own underftanding, to believe what he will: And that if anyofhis errours be vicious, vice and .errour mutt have better cure than nicer commands : And if men could know and be- lieve what they will, they Ihould will to believenothing but' what hath credible evidence, without a carnal biafs. VII. It is agreed that all men have errour;and therefore that erring men or no men mull be tolerated in our Communion; and he that thinks otherwife condemneth himfelf, and teacheth all men to condemn him. VIII It