Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

209 VIII. It is granted that it is a very lowdegree of knowledge that the univerfalïtyof vulgar Chriftians do attain, who hard- ly learn the commonCatechifin, much leis can it be expected that they should all be able to understand all indifferent things to be indifferent, and to be judges of the minartiffima. IX. Ifany errours be tolerable, it's like to be the errours a- bout things indifferent and fmall. X. St. Paul hash expreflydetermined the Controverfy about loving and receiving fuch, Rom, ui.. & 15 XI. To encourage by compliance a generation and deign of men that overthrowChrift's and his Apostles rule ofCommuni- on, and by invented impofitions of their own, would make Church - Concord impoflible, and would propagate this way of certain Schifm, and stablifh it in the World, is to confederate for tearing the Church of Chrift, and making Schifm common and uncureable. XII. It is granted that he that after his greateft study is per- fwadedthat unnecefl'ary Oaths, Subfcriptions, Covenants, Cere- monies are sinful ; is condemned if he go againft his Confciencei t,ho' he shouldmiftake. XIII. Thofe therefore that make fuch fn.ares for Souls, and then tell us [ Ifyou go .sTaaffyour Confciences you are damnedfor that, and ifyou do not yogi aPrdamned as Schifmaticks, for difobey. ing us] are far unlike the Minifters ofChrift, or Men that help to fave our Souls. XIV. WeNon- Conformiftsoffer cur folemn Oaths that we have by Prayerand earnelt fearch and Rudy, laboured to know the truthherein : And as our worldly interest would perfwade us to conform, fo we would. readily do it, did we not believe that it is fin againft God : Yea we (as tous) to be fmall but heinous fin, by the aggravations which I ammention- ing. XV. Seeing then the way ofour Condemners is either to call: all Chriftians out of theChurch, that have not a greater degree of Knowledge herein, than I have, and all men of my Rank, or elfe to bring all°men implicitly tobelieve all tobe lawful that is commanded them, we cannot confent to either of thefe two. Meafures for the Church. XVI. It is agreed that Perjury is fo heinous a Sin, as that ,few are greater : It fo taketh God's Name in vain, as to en-. l e gags