Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

2, I I ) XXI. There is fomuch written for a foreign yilrifdialon over and Eno-l' in Church Affairs, by Arch- Bifhop Laud, Arch-Bi- fhop Bromball, Dr. Heylin, M. Thorndikq, Dr. Saymell, Bnop Gunning's Chaplain (and many others) whole Words I am rea- dy to produce ) as may afire us that it is in the fame Mens thoughts to introduce it as the only way to Concord, and that they therefore delire the EjeCt.ionand Ruine of fuch as we, be caulewe are tgairift it. And how far, and how foon God will let there men prevail, we know not : But we are paff doubt, that to fubjet a Nation to a foreign yurifditlion, is to ffigmatiz.e it with the molt odious Perjury : Seeing as the Oath of Supre- macy fweareth all exprelly againft it, fo the forefaid Corporation Oath, Veffery Oath, Militia Oath, Oxford Oath, and Vnifor- nifty Subfcription, have fworn or engaged the Nation never to en- deavour any Alteration of Government, in Church or State : And if a foreign ymrifdiffion be no Alteration, we know nothing capa- bleof that Name. And whenwe fee fame of the fame men at once endeavour to make us take fuch Oaths on pain of Ruin, and to defign to bring all under the Guilt of breaking them, when wehave done, men think it beft to take no moreof them than is neceltary, till they fee whether they mull be kept or broken. XXII. Plagues, Flames, Poverty, Convulfions that have be- fain Corporations of late years, makes us the more afraid of the fins which are like to be the Caufe: And the Earl of Argyle's Cafe makes us afraid ofItretching Expofitionsof Oaths : And the Londoners have fped fo ill by fuch ftretching Expofitions as confirmeth us in our Purpofe toavoid them. XXIII. If we wilfully fin on pretence ofLiberty to preach the Gcfpei, we cannot exped God's Bleiling on our Labours : And then what is our preaching worth ? XXiV. We read how joyfilly many Martyrs in Q2eenM,!.ry's days endured the Flames , rather than grant the real Prefence in the Afafs : And we that fear far greater fin, molt rather fuffer than commit them. XXV. As we dare not Conform againft'-Confrience, fo to lay by our ?Iliniftry while we can exercire it, we take to he Sacri'ege, with Cod, and Treachery and Cruelty to the Souls of Men. E e 2. XXVI. We