Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 275 ) £tious Nobles did in France. ft's a great encouragement to rebellious great ones when they have always hope that a great body of difireffed men, will be ready, as neceflitated for felf-defence, to accept of their offers for infurreCtions or an leaft to ftrengthen fadion. L. lt is for all thefe very reasons that we would deftroy or extirpate all Difie,ters, that they may riot he the ferviceable in- firuments in fuch defigns. M. For all thefe reafons, you fhould unite on the terms that Chrift and his Apoftles inftituted as fufficient for Chri- than Love, Communion and Concord, that there may be no diftreffed, exafperated Difrenters among us ; or only fo few and culpable by the grofsnefs of their errours, as that their fhame and paucity may render them no way dangerous. You fhould not take fuch men of extraordinary wifdom, as -Queen Elizabeth's Councellours and Parliaments, the Lord Bacon, Judge Hale, and fuch ,pacificators as Davenanr, Chilltngworth, Abbot, Grindal,Arnycald, and molt of the French, Dutch, German protellants, to be all fools, and you to be wife Men. A Council in BeOwn could fcarce advife a mad- der. vvay to root out fadion, than to make Canons or Laws,, that all the Kings Subjeas fhali be extirpated, that will not fubfcribe There is not one word in all the Stature Book, or the molt Learned Law-Books contrary to the Word of God ; pnd that the London Difpenfatory 'lath no errour in Mcdi- xine ; and that no Licenfed Book hath any errour in Divi- nity : Verily, if the Bilhops and Clergy of England cannot give us better proofs of their infallibility, or that their pub- lick impofed Books are as free from errours as Adam was before his fall, than by making aH fubfcribe, or fwear, o-Y -declare in the oxinrch that it is fo, cowards may fay, your 'Lordjheps and ,keverences have never an erroneous roo-d, but few ,men will believe it ever the more; yea it will be the lefs believed, that netedeth fuch a proof as this : Even as men would take him to be never the more an unerring Philofo- :.phet, Lcr or Phyficiarn who could force all the appren- tice bo. s nd women in the Town, to. fweer that he is fueh Try., fin to make all the Kings Subjeds of one opinion in all points of Learning, Law or Trading, and of one degree n of