C v7 ) of wit, and of filature and complexion, and then hope to make them all of one meafure of underilanding, not only in. the fubftance of religion, but in all the little things that II-lops call indifferent, and do or may impofe. L. But yoas run atpo,2 the Errour that have fo great knoirled e according to our rules, as to (Tow the Lawfulnefs of all Lawful things : I'i e know no Chdarchme:Y reach fo high feat the roay to Concord mull be by obeying the, Church in all cats that are doubtful - to the Sathje51s. M. z . ft's well that you limit it to doubtful cafe': But what if I am pall all doubt (e. g. ) that it is a fin to make our fort of God- fathers the vowing . Covenanters in Raptifm, excluding the Parents, to caft out all from Chri- Dian Communion that fcruple kneeling in the reception, to deny Chriftendom to all that refute our God-fathers and Croffings, to pronounce all in England at Burial Paved, except the unbaptized, excommunicate and felf. murderers, to pro- fefs that [ It is certain by the word of God that infants (ex- cepting none) baptiz.ed and dying before aElual fin, are un- doubtedly faved; To affent to a falfe rule to know Eaffer. day] with many fuch s What muff I do in fuck undoubted cafes ? 2. Tell- us plainly, is it all doubted cafesor fore only, in which you fay we mull obey ? If not all, till you tell- us which, and how- to know them, you talk in vain. If all, what if men doubt whether Polygamy, Lying, Fornication, Vic. be lawful? Or what if a Papift doubt, whether King- killing be lawful, and the Clergy command it, mutt it therefore needs be done ? 3. And I pray you tell us where and when it is that men mull . obey this rule ? Was it a duty in England in the days of Thomas Becket, Anfelm, Dunftan, &c. or in the Reign of all. the Kings that were Papifts ? Is it a duty now inFrance,Spain, Italy, Bavaria, 4nftria, etc. or in the Dominion of the Turks, P er f ians , Tartarians, China, c c ? Muff all Subjects. - every where do. all commanded them ? If they have but ignorance enough to be in doubt themfelves, fure they are bound to receive God's Light to overcome thofe doubts, and in errour it is not obedience in Evil, but feeking truth till they find it, that is their duty. But