'(278) '11. it Teems you know not what you fay. I. The Pope, and Spaniards, and It4iians allow greater differences, by ma- ny degrees than' thole that you condemn Dilrenters for ; their efit ts, and Dominicans, Tieomifts, Scotifs, Nominals, Die- randifits, &c. differ fo much. from each others in Do&rinais, about God, and Grace, and Free-will, and Providence, and the Caufe of Sin, and many other Points, that the Volumes they have written for their feveral 'Opinions, make up huge Libraries, which employ the hard ftudies of the molt Lear- ned men in the World, and are as far as ever from being ended. 2. The anfe.nils and yefisits differ, not only in fuch Do- £rines, about Predeftination, Redemption, Grace, Free-will, Perfeverance, &c. but alfo about abundance of Doetrines, commonly called Moral ; as about Murder, Perjury, Forni- cation, Stealing, cc. as you may fee in the Books lately pub- lifhed by the janfenifs againiít the yeffiits. And though approved general Councils, have made the doctrine of Depoii Excommunicated Princes, and Abfol- ving their Subjeás from their Allegiance, and giving their Dominions to others, to be a very part of their Religion, yet are not the Papifts agreed in it; but the (ermans in the days of the Emperours, Frederick, Otho, Henry 4th, and sth, &c. and the French to this day are much againit it. And what Learned men wrote againft it, read but Mich. Golda- .Bass his many Volumesrof Colleaions.. and you may fee, Yea, the Papifts are not agreed of the very elrential Form and Conftitution of their Church, and therefore are indeed of feveral Churches : One Party thinks-that the fulremacy is in the Pope, another that it is, in a General-Council, and a third that it is in .the Pape and . General-Council agreeing ; and yet all thefe fo far bear -with' one.anc:her,a:s to cover over the difference with the Vámè of one Church, and to repute ,each other as True Roman Catholicks. Yea more it is, by an .;Allowance .of:Di fepters, or diffe- rent ways of Woribip, that the Pop doth chiefly keep up his lKingdom. When any Religions' people .h z4 fallen into a d-ifratisfadion with the loofe Difcipline-and Converfatianof the ,Bifhops and their Churches, the Pope alloweth them to fet up by thenifelves, and exercife a ftrk filer Difcipiine, Wor- flip,