2'79 ) fhip, and Converfation of their own deviling, which lie al- loweth, and no Bifhop fhall have power to impeach. And thushe keepeth them in dependance on hiinfelf, as the only Defender of their humours, inventions and liberties of difle rent ways. On fuck accounts, there are multitudes of Seas among then' under the name of Friars, and Fathers, and Sifters, &c. The Beíediatnes, Auguftinians, Dominicans, Francifcans, fefuits, Carthuians, &c. And all have their feveral ways of Difci- pline; but it fufhceth, that all depend upon one Pope. In Rome it feif, Philip ATerius being a Serious Religious man, was unfatished with the dead formal way of the Bi: fhops and Mafs-priefts and to bring men to knowledge and ferioufnefs in Religion he borrowed a Church, and fet up a Lecture or Courfe of Serious Extemporate Worfhip, al- moft like the exercife called Prophecying, that Arch- Bilhop Grindal was for, and the Lord St. A/bans (Bacon) writes for.. Four Zealous men fpent the whole day, one in Extemporate praying, and one in Preaching and Expounding Scripture, and one in telling the people the Hiftory of the Church, and the Lives and Miracles of Saints, and one in Praying again, juff like thofe here hated as extemporate Puritans. The Bifhop :s faid they were proud hypocrites that drew crowds of people after them for reputation of fanctity ; and they per- fecuted Neriais, and accufed them to the Pope, and filenced him: The fleecing Bifhop was prefently (truck with death, and Nerius went on, Baronius being his fecond. The crafty Pope, inftead of calling them Fanatick Rogues and Rebels, , thinks it policy to turn this ftream of Pious Zeal into his own channel, to drive his own Mill ; and he refcueth them from the Prelates, and alloweth their Exercifes, and calleth them by the name of the Oratorians, and honoureth the lea- dens, fo ,that, he drew them to depend on him, and Baronius to write thofe many great Volumes of Ecclefîaftical Hiftory, which have done Rome greater fervice than any one Writer that I know of in the world ; and to this day the Oratorians are the moll fober Puritan Papifts. Thus did he make ufe of the Seriarian fingularity of Ig7 maims Loyola, a Souldier turned to Superftition, allowing them (as others) to fet up by themfelves from under the powerof the