C, o) the Bifhops, in dependance on the Pope alone, whereby he bath maftered Emperours,andEKings, and Kingdoms, and made great attempts on Abbafnes, Greeks, yea on-.Congo, tapan, Chine, and the Heathen World. And I have credibly heard that Dr. Tho. Goodwin, Philip . Nye, and Dr. Owen the Leaders of our Independants, did tell the King, that as the Pope allowed thefe orders of Religious parties in Meer dependance on himfelf, without fubjeäion to the Bithops, all that they , defired was ( not to be the tatters Of others,) but to hold their own liberty of Wor- ihjp and Difcipline, in foie dependance on the King, as the Dutch and French Churches do, fo they may be faved from the Bithops and Ecciefiaftical Coutts. 2. But further, Do you forget that the Spaniards by their facred Cruelty and Inquifition have loft the. Lory Countries, and had almoft loft the feventeen Provinces? 3. And do you not know that ever lance the days that the Ar- rian Gothes poflëffed Spain, they have been like Ireland, a blind fuperftitiousPeople, whole Ignorance molt fitteth them forfuch akind ofConcord ? And is there not a Concord .in their way among the enflaved ignorant ìvmufcovites, and among the Turks, and many Heathens ? Satan himfelf is againft the dividing of his Kingdom. -. And :do you think that the effea of Spanifh and Ita- lian Tyranny and Concord, Both anfwer the -colt ? The Cru- elty of their Inquifition hath made their .names as odious as of Cannibals or Wolves, infomuch that the Lord Bacon thought that an Invafive War againft them as the enemies of man- kind, that violate the Laws of Nature and Nations, was juft. And the many millions that they molt cruelly murdered, and tormented in Mexico, Peru, Hifpaniola, d'c, (among whom were divers Kings) do tell the World what are the fruits of their Catholic( fury, and Arbitrary Government : Their Arch-bifhop Barth. de Cafa and their Jefuit Yofeph Acofä, eye witneflès of undoubted credit, report that which renders them liker devils than men. And Gage that lived there a- mong them, feconds it. And it was no fmall infamy to their King Philip that he put to death his Son and Heir Charles. Are thefe the pat terns,that yo:a would have us imitate.? And