Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

) 'And as for Italy, 1. Read ®fall their Hiftories, and then name that Country on earth, if you can, that for many Gene rations, hath been infefted with fo much Civil War and Blood, as Italy bath been, yea Rome it felf. 2. And fence policy hath felled it of late in Peace, what a`Peuce is it, andof what effe6 ? It is faid by travellers that no Country more abounded! with Atheifls and Infidels, that are indeed of no Religion. And' truly, ifit be God andConfcience that youwould have banned out ofEngland, and infidelity, Sadduceifin,'Hobbifts, Maligni-' ty, Drunkennefs, Whoredom, Perjury, that you would have take the place, I dare fay that the Devil will not fight againfl Each Concord, but will promote it withal his policy and power, by'himfelf and all his agents Ecclefiaftical, Civil, and Mili- tary. 4. Yet further, Why look you not on all the refs; of the World, as well as Spain and Italy ? Indeed yapan reftored Con- cord, but it was by fo devililh and cruel Torments of Chriftians and thole that wòuldnot accufe them, as rendreth their names odious to mankind ( ofwhich Yarenius will fatisfy you.) But what France, what Irelandand others havegot by cruelty, I"have told you before. And though I am far from juftifying the 'Hungarians ( men that I know not or their cafe) for flying to the rt,n for help, do you think that the Countries now rained byWar, and the many thoufands in 1lsflria, Silefa, Moravia, and Hungary, killedand taken Captives, and the thoufands killed in Fight, and the Famine that the next year is like to come on the ruined Countries, where Corn and Hay are all deftroyed, and the bloody War that is yet like to follow before the end; I fay, do you think that all there -are not a dear price to be paid, for hindering men to Worfhip God 'only according to the Scripture Would leave to ferve God only as Clirift and his Apoftles 'áp pointed and did themfelves, have colt theErfperour' and'Fed- ple, dearer than all this amounteth to? 5. And the Worldknowéth tñat`(as Cromvelgot his ftrength andufurpation in En landby his Liberty Of Confcience, fo) the Turfs wonfConfiantinople and the Eaftern Empire, much by this For when their Emperours were become diffolute or cruel, kill- ing and depofing one another, putting out their eyes, and thruft= kg them into Monafteries (forced Saints); and when ambi- 0 o tioue .