ia tious ungodly Bishops were ilia ftriving for fuperiority, and perfecuting Diffenters as not Orthodox, and mutinous Soul- diers pulling down Emperours, and fetting upothers, the poor. Chriftians thought that to defend fuch a Government againft the Turks that gave all men the Liberty of their own Religion,., would colt themdearer than it was worth. ; and fo were the more renlifs in their refinance, and the eafilier yielded to theConque- rours : Whereas had the Turks doneas thePapifts, who make our extermination by our own Rulers, a very part of their Re, ligion, the Greeks- would have more refolutely refilled them, in necefl'ary felt defence And did not the Turks Rill give Liberty to Chriftians ( only reftraining them from fpeaking againft Mahometifm ) do you think that the Greek in all their Dominions would no more Drive for their deliverance ? And that Tranfalvania, Hungary, Walachia, 'Moldavia, Croates, and Coffineks, Armenians, Ç'eor- gans, Circa f ans, Mengrelians, Neftorions, and yacobites, in fo waft numbers, would live fo long quietly and patiently under them as they do ? All thegreat Conquerours of the World that are famous in Hiftory, ever obferved that fober policy,to let ConqueredProving ces enjoy their own Religion, and moftly their own ancient Laws and .. inferiour Magifrates : And then the People find the change fo tolerable in the Supremacy, as they the more eafily yield, with fiefs refinance, and continue;;their-fubjeetion with the greater quietnefs and peace. The pews in Chrift's time, (and till they rebelled afterwards under Vefpafan, Titus and Adrian) had fomuch of their own Religion and Law allowed them, as was no fmall caufe of their Crucifying Chrift, left the name ofa King fent fromGod (fuch asthey expected theMef bah to be) fhould draw thePeople to fuch Infurre 'tions, as fhouldprovoke the Romans to deprive them of their Temples, Religion an&.Laws, and to deftroy their place.. and nation. And I hear by travellers that where the Turks yet allow. their Provinces (as in Tranfalvania) their own Magiftrates andLaws, Religion profperethalmofas wellas underChriftianSovereigns, and far better thanunder the extirpatingzeal, or rather fury of perfecuting Papift Princes. I defire you therefore before you , pleadexperience for your defolatingway of Concord, to study Hihory: