C :83 Hilton,/ better, and be better informed of the care of the World. When I think but what men Bifhop Wilkins and Judge Hale were, that on my knowledge drew up an At for the total cure of our Englifh Church differences, ( to which thofe called to it by the Lord Keeper Bridgman, did on both fides confent) I have thought it force defect of humility in force Clergy-men, that took themfelves tobe fo much wifer than thefe rare and excellent men, as to judge thatall our diftrac`tions; fufferings,and dangers bydivifions, are not fo bad as the effet of thefe mens counfil would have been. But ',dowith greater confidence ask you,Whether thof,men feem tobe feriousand nnderflanding Chriftians,who think alt the bloody Wars, and tormenting lnquifition, and thedeftrution of Love and;Juftice) and good Works,which arecaufed by Church- divifions in the World, tobe a lets Mifchief than it would be to ENDORE CHRISTIANS TO SERVE GOD jVSTAS CHRIST PRESCRIBED BY HIM- SELF AND HIS APOSTLES, AND TO VNITE O.N THE TERMS ONLY WHICH HE AND T HET DID ORDAIN AND PRACTISE? Shall we tell Turk! and Heathens that it is zoo Wifer a Saviour that we trait in, and no Wifer a Heavenly `King that we obey ? And no Wifer Law andGofpel that He hath left us ? And is it any wonder then if they (corn both Him and as ? L. Tou are too hard for me, 1 will tale, with you no more. M. It is Truth and Light that is too hard for you; and we to the foolifh Enemies that are too hard for it, and overcome themfelves, and their own happinefs and hopes in overcoming it. And woe to the World, toChurches and Nations where fuch prevail. L. But I advife you, thatyou never think that all your Truth and Deafen will do any great good on thole that are agairßyou 'For you cannot have while tofay all this to many that you havefaid to me; and ifyoufhould`Print allthis thecontrary nsinded willfcarcely Read the Titlepave orContents,but fcorn it before they know whatyou have Maid ; ane% if they read it, it will be all the way, with a militant fpirit ofprejudice and hatred, and only fludy what to fay .againfi to i axad Igaoraîce, P;afion, lnterefl and Prejudice., will O o 2 an[irer A