Czç on:fuch a Text as Ezek 37.3. Son of man! can theff bones,live ? And I a,dfiwered, O Lard God, thus kioivefi. In the mean time it giveth me matter for Groans, Tea'rs and . Prayer, but no belief 6f-that good man's Prophecy, who confidently foretelleth usof that Blefled Age, about eight years hence. If theSecond Part of my Moral Prognofticaition. (written with more doubt than hope) fltould prove as true as the -Firít Part did (of this Progrefs of Malice, and Divifions) I doubt it is but forne fmall Rudiments or Preparations for fuch a BlelfedGrange, that the men of the prefer. times mutt fee. 1 thould rejoice,if They (I mean God by them) confute my. fears. CHA P. LX I I. Fifty Queftions to unjsíft Silencers.. OE.: IS LOVE, AND HE THAT DWELLETH IN LOVE DWELLETH INGOD, ANDGOD INHIM, yoke 4. 16. The molt fundamental and comprehenfive Article of Natural and Evangelical Religion. How Angels fell from Love and. became Devils, malignant Spirits, is not revealed fully to us ; but that fuch there are, both Scripture and too great Experience certify. us. But how Man fell, is told us in the Scripture. It pleafed Godrto make a rank of intelleftual Animals left to their uriderfanding felf-determining free-will, between the Brutes which are deter- mined to things Senfible, and the confirmed Angels who are determined to things Spiritual. It pleafed him, to oblige and allure Man by his .Bleflìngs, to live Rill in the love of God; but withal to permit the malignant Tempter, to try whether by his allurement and deceit, he could win him from this Holy Löve As if a man thould leave his Daughter to be his Wife, who could win'her own content.. The malignant Spirit pre- vailed and turned man from the Reigning Love of God, to the Love of SELF, Self-pleading,. Self-ruling, and Self trulîing and having won man's Will, he is by jufi permifl'ion become his Prince, as long as he can keep the Will which he bath won. But Infinite L OVE, firít promifed, and then gave his SON to be the PRINCE OF LOVE, and fo the Captain of our Salvation ; His Incarnation, Do,rine, Life, and Suffering ; his"Refurreftion, Afcenfion, Interceflion and Government, are.. but the works of 4OK.E for Man's Salvation, which is, to re cover.