Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

x86 foverTheWill of Manto the ReigningLove ofGod,from theCar- nal Senfual fell-love. Awar is thus commenced between Chri.h and Satan ; Chrift's warfare is. to Conquer malignant Enmity, and fet up a Kingdom of Love. The .Devils work is to afli- milate man to himfelf, and to make him a Lyer, 1[lalicious, and W a Leltroyer. Thus two Kingdoms are fet up in this orld, which are in continual war againft each other. The Subttec`ts of each are difcernibleby their works : TRVTH, LOVE, and DO- INGGOOD are the works and marks of theone and LTING, HATRED and HVRTFVLNESS, are the works and marks of the other ; and HOLINESS and DEYILISM conftitute this world. 'Cain and Abel were the leading inftances : Heb. .1 i.4. By faith Abel offered .a more excellent Sacrifice unto God than Cain,- by which he obtained witnefs that he was Righteous, God teJ,tifyingof hisgifts ; and by it,he being dead, He conquered, but died, as did our Saviour, 1 yob. 3. 12, 14. Cain was ofthat wicked one, andflew his. Brother ; And why flew he him ? Becaufe his own works were Evil, andhis brothers Righteous : In this warfare we mull live and die. Marvel not my Brethren if the world hateyou; though we die as Abel, we know that we have palledfrom Death to Life, becaufe we Love the. Brethren : He that loveth not his brother, abideth in death, though as Cain, he kill and Teem to conquer. All that believe not a better life, which will abundantly make up the lofs ofthis, arehis fubje&s who is called the GOD OF THIS WORLD, who blindeth the minds of unbelievers, 2 Cor. 4. 4. Devils are called, The Rulers of the Dar*nefs of thisworld, Eph..6. 12. The Princes who fet up a Worldly intereft, againft or above the Heavenly intereft, are =called, The Princes of this world, that -come to nought, i Cor. a. 6. And to be Wife only for an intereft, is, The Wifdom of the warld, which is Fool jhnefs with God, 3. 18, 1g. Thus ChriTh fighteth by Love, to win Souls to Love for the Glorious World of Love ; and the Devil by Malice to destroy Love and fepa- rate them from the God and World of Love, by fighting as Dogs about their Carrion, for their flefhly intereft in this de- ceitful world ; but the time is fhort, and the War will be Chart, but the ViCory sweet, and the Crown.everlalting. And it is greatly to beconfidered,that as Chrift's Caufe& Sub- juts are contrary to the Devils,fo alfo is his manner ofFight and t.Conqueft. Chrift and Chriltians fight not by Wrath and Hatred against*