Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 287 ) againfttheir Haters, but by loving them as Men ( and praying for them,even when they fuffer by them :) And in this courfe it is, that they are more than Conguerours, Rom, 8.3 7. And heap Coals of Fire on their Heads, which willburn themfor ever that would not on Earth be melted by them. It feemeth a ftrange thing to us to fee the poor Frencen come hither from their ownpleafant Land, in Raggs and Bodily Diftrefs : And whoexpelleth them ? And for what ? Who can- fed all the blood and banifhtnents that have been exerciled on Chriftians,fince theHeathen Perfecutions ? And for what ? Who deftroyed thofe many thoufands of Chriftians called Albigen.. fell and Waldenfes, and Bohemians, in Hiftorymentioned ? And for what ? Who fet up the Inquifition as againft Froteftants, and Tormented and Burnt fo many ? And for what ? Who caufed the French and Irifh, and other Maffacres and. Murders ? Andfor what ? Whokeep out Truth and Reformation from all Kingdoms fubjeIt to the. Pope ? It is men in the Sacred Offices, Ecclefiafticai.andCivil. We all own Reverence to Magiftrates and Paftors.. Satan is notfo foalifhas todo his work in his own name, nor to put its proper nameupon his work. Did you ever hear or read ofPerfecutors, who openly faid, [ We are the Ser: wants of the Devil, and come againft you for his Interen. and in his Name, to perfwadeor perfecute youfrom Chrift andyour obedience to God, and your Salvation ? 1 No, It is as for wickednefs, that wicked men deftroy the ¡tin ; and as for finning that they perfecute them that will not fin : It is for Religion that Relic gion is impugned ; and for the Church that the true Children of the Church are Perfecuted : And is it for theG_ofpel that the Preachers ofit are filenced and deftroyed ? Without the Church a falfeReligion is fet up againft Chriftianity. But within it, an Imageof Chrift, andof theChurch, and of Concord, and Re- ligion, is fet upagainft Chrift, - Church,_, Concord, and Religion ; and men in the Garb of Magiftrates and. Paftors, do profecute the War as by Chrift's Commiflion, and in his Name : And fin isdefended and propagated,by falte, pretended oppofition. If the Yews hadknown'him, they wouldnot haveCrucified the Lord of Glory. Heathens wouldnot for Idols fight againft God, nor Mabometans for aDeceiver againft Chrift,if they knew what iris that they are doing. Chrift whowas Crucified as a B1afphe- Ater and Rebel, foretold his-Difciples, thatthey should be kill'd as