(72 n as an ad of fery-ace to God. Where the ,Gofpel is believed, it is. a crime fó horrid to fïlenceand deftroy Chrift's faithful Mi lifters, and forbid his public \Vorthip, and render his moll: confcionable Servants odious, and plot their extirpation and ruine, that none dare do it but thofe that know not what they do When .Chriftians as a Sept were every where fpoken a- gaì, Paul was exceeding mad aoainft them, andperfecnted them to fitrange Cities, tend verily thought that he ought to do many things a.- edinit the Name of JJefus, AEt. z6.. But when h_e heard from. Heaven, Why perfecitef thon me ? it ftopt his rage, and changed his judgment. But alas ! How flender a means will ferve to deceive the wicked ? Ameer.nick-.name, or malicious Hander ; yea-the:avbi- ding ()fa fin which they think to be no fin, is enough with, them tomake the beft men feem theworfb, while Perjuries, Adulteries, Blafphemies, Prophanenefs;Cruelty_and Perfecution, are toler& bi.e motes in the eyes oftheir Companions. All the Holinefs, Wifdom and Miracles ofChrist and his Apoftics, would, -not ferve tomake them palsfor good, yea or. tolerable men. while Sadducees whodenied Spirits & the RefurreIion ; $z Ceremoni- ous, hypocritical,blood- thirfty Pharifees, went for meet Rulers of the Flock. And how can it be expected that he Who thinks not Holinefs defireable tohimfelf, fhould think it any excellency in. others ? Or that he that thinks his own -fin but .a tolerable frailty, fhouid much abhor it in the .World? Satan then bath his Army not only among-Infidels, but nomi- nal Chriflians : And it is commanded by Honourable and `Je- nerable Names, and he pretends a good and righteous Caufe, whereever he fighteth againít Chrift, and HoIinefs. But by the fruits he may beknown in the .greatest ,pretenders, whatever nameshe call them by. It is themolt profitable Preaching which he láboureth to fupprefs, and themolt faithful Paftors that he would f lance ; the mooconfcionabie Chriftians whom he ftriv- ,eth to make hateful, and the more Spiritual Worlhip of God which he would hinder. And therefore even among Chriftians we have great cause to warn men to fear least they be .enticed intoSatan's feivice, againft Chriitand their own Profetl on and Salvation. And efpecially in an age ; T. Where worldly and ci ofs lnterests are fet up againft the Interest of Chrift and Con- Science. 2, Wi cre.thefe worldly and crofs lnterefts have -al rea4