t Z89 ) ready wafted Chriftian Love, and Contentions have begun a Mental War. 3. When thefe have prevailed by fcorns and flanders to make Confcionable Chriftians pals for force con- temptible, criminal, or erroneous Se6t and this Reproach is fortified by Honourable and Reverend Names. Left there- fore fuch Gaules, too viable in the World, fhould draw the ig- norant and rafh into the dreadful Sin of fighting againft the In- tereft of Chrift, and Souls, by hindering Chrift's Minifters from their neceflary. Work, and faithful Chriftians from wor- ihipping God, I will humbly befeech all that are indanger of fuch Temptations, but ferioufly to exercife their own Reafons ill the prefent Confderation of thefe following Queftions, and to takeup with no other Anfwer to them, which will not bear weight at Death and Judgment, when worldly Pompand Plea- fures leave them ; and not worldly Intereft, Wit, or Grandeur, but the Righteous Lord, theLover of Holinefs, andHoly Soulls, will be the dreadful and final Judge. d The Qaetaons to he well Cos f deed. .Qitoft. I. A Re we not on all fides agreed that we are Mor- tals potting to the Grave ? Doth any Man think he (hall not die ? And is Thriving or mutual Love and Qui,. etnefs, a fitter Paífáge to the dolt ? Donot all Men, conftrai- -ned bynatural Confcience, at a dying Hour, repent of hurting others, and ask Forgivenefs of all the World ? Yea, if you are not worfe than molt Heathens, Are we not agreed , That Man'sSoul is immortal,and that we (hall all be fhortly in another World; and that fhaltbe with us there, as we live onEarth=? If any doubt of this, fhould not the leaft probability of fuch an everlafting Life, of Joy or Mifery, prevail againft the cer- tain Vanity of fuch a fhadow as this World ? Or if yet they believe not another Life, Why fhould theynotlet thole live in tqutetnefs that do believe it, and dare not hazard their everlaft- ing ]Mopes for nothing, as long as theydo no hurt to others ? Q.. 2. Donot all Chriftians believe, That the Knowledgeof God,- our Creator and Redeemer; and a holy Heart, and Life are of neceffity toour Salvation ? Dowe not fee, That Chil- dren are not born withKnowledge, nor free from flefhly and -worldly In4clinations ? Doth not the World's Experience teil P .p us,