( 2,90 gas, hour hard, and how long a Work it is, tomake the Ignorant-:. underftand the very Articles of Faith, and necefiary Duty to God and man ; and as hard, to perfwade their Carnal Minds to the heartyL'ove and Praaice of them, and to fave them from the damning Love of finful Luft, and worldly Vanities ; and howwofully the belt Teaching is fruftrate with the molt ? .Q. 3. Are we not all Vowed to God in our Baptifm, renoun- cing the Seduction of theWorld, the Pfeil} and theDevil ? And do all underftand and keep this Vow ? And is not the perfidi- ousViolation of it, a molt damningSin ? And whenThoufands of full Age are yet to learn what Baptifm is, and what they Vowed, Have theynot great need to be plainly taught it ? Q. 4. Is a Baptized Infidel, or ungodly Perfon, any better or fafer than the Turfs. or.the Salvages in America ? Will the Nameof Chriftians fave perfidious Hypocrites ? Or, Will it not be eafier for Sodom than for fuch ? 5 If Chriftian Knowledge and Praaice be not necefl'ary, Why pray we for Converfion of Heathens and.Infidels ? . And, Why doth the Article of the Churchof England condemn thofe that hold, That all may be faved in their feveral Religions ? And what are webetter than Turks: and Heathens ? Q. 6. Are not all Men on Earth bound folemnly to worfbip the God that made them ? And do not all the Idolatrous Hea- thens, and the Mahometans, offer their God force publick Wor chip? And mutt not Chriftians publickly worlhip Chrift ? Are not holy Aflemblies for DoErine, Prayer, Praife andCommu- nion, Commanded to that end ; and the Lord's day feparated thereto, and all forbid to forfake fuch Affembling ? Q; 7. Let the Bills of Mortality, and the knowing Inhabi- tants tell you, Whether there be not forceHundred Thoufands in the great.Parifhes, in and near this City, more thancan come into their Parifh-Churches, and hear. If they would all but Thew their willingnefs to come in, if they could, and Twenty Thoufandfloodat St. Martin's in theChurch-Yard, and Streets, and as many at. Stepney, and at St. Gales Cripplegate, and Ten Thoufand at Giles in theFields, and fo of the reft, and fhould fay,iWeare here defirous to comein, and cannot, What would you fay to them ? Are they not more miferable that are con- tent to fray at home Q.: 8.. What would you have ail thefe Thoufands do? tiMuut1