Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

) titudes of them are hardened already by this feeming necéíhty into felf- excufing, and a cuftomof neglefingall publick Wor- fhip : And how think youdo they fpend their timeat home ? Is it not the time for finful Pratices, or idlenefs at thebelt? And would youhave all thefe Thoufands turnAtheilts, or live more impioufly than Mahometans ? And are not thefe to pay to the Church, that cannot come in it ; and theWeak that can- not ftand and canget no Seats ? 'Andare not the Church-war- dens bound toprefent allthefe Thoufands, that have no Room? And (hall all thefe fuffer as;Recufants, while the Rich that care pay for Seats, efcape ? ifyou fay they fhould feek room inother parifh Churches, do you knowwhat it is for a man to wander into the City, with his Family, to feek room, he knoweth not where ? The Tabernacles where Churches floodare fmall ; and we fee the Church full already, where is profitable Preaching, and the Seats at leaft poffeft; and the worfe men are, the more peed they have, but the lefs they feel it, and are unlikely to leek help at fucha rate,whowould come in,ifit were near them. Q...9. Are all thefemany Thoufands that flay at home ( or worfe ) hunted and profecuted, fined, and imprifoned for it, as feditious, and Enemies to the King, or to the Peace, as force are that worfhip God as wifely as they can ? And do you be- lieve that fuch a Worfhipof God, as bath nothing in it con- trary to the Holy Scripture, or contrary to the Prafticeof the Apofties of Christ, is worfe thannone at all, or than meeting at Plays and Taverns, and deferveth fcorn, imprifonment, and ruine ? O. To. Suppofe itbe Ignorance and Errour in fuch Mini- Qers, as take it to be a fin againft God ( yea, a heinous fin ) to take all the Oaths, Declarations, Subfcriptions, and Cove- nants impofed for Conformity ( while they willingly take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy) ; and fuppofe it be an Errour in thofe People,who think their Souls need better Pafto- ral Helps than they can have in many Parifhes; fhall this Errour be puniíhed with keeping them from all God's publick Wor- fhip, unlefs they will fin againft their Confciences, or change their Judgmentswhich they cannot change ? Yea, fuppofe fothe Communion or Ceremony be indifferent, which they miftake for fin, will you forbid all men to worfhip God, till they have no Sinor Errour ? Is there any one fuch a man on earth ? Are Pp. -z you