Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

C2,g2, ) you filch your felves ? And- shall all the World be driven therefore fromworfhipping God ? Little domen know how great a part of the daily Thoughts, even of Orthodox Learn- ed men, are Errours. I. Can there be a morehorrid thing in the world, than either to condemn or excommunicate all men who dare not do that which after- their belt fearch, they think to be more hei, nous Sin than theydare name, left the very naming ofit offend, and are deirous to have their Reafons heard ; and to make it neceflhry to Communion, or to their Liberty to worfhip God, that all Men and Women mutt know evenall indiftreni things, to be indifferent or lawful in God's Worship, which men may impófe on then? Have not all fober peaceable Divines agreed that thins ntcef 'aryfor all to know, are few ; and that Chriftian Concord can never be expected on any other terms, than by agreeing in thofe few, plain, neceff'ar_y things? And who knoweth not that indifferent thins are numberlefs, as well as 1-mall no mortal man knoweth them all And if a poor Chri- ftian that feareth the Juf ice of God, do take that Oath, that Covenant, that Declaikation or Subfcriptión ; yea, or that hu- mane Symbolical Badge of Chriftianity, or other Ceremony to be a heinous Sin, which others fay is a thing indifferent ; Muft 'all as Atheifts be kept from worfhipping God, till they know all thefe- things to be indifferent i 2.- Did not the Lordye/ shinifelf make it his primeGo= I;pel Law, That all that profefs Repentance and Faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, Ihould by Baptifm be made vi- lible Chriftians; and all Chriftians live in Love toone another, and Holy Communion, and jointlyworfhip God ? 13. Was it not the Nature ofall the Old Herefies to de part from this Univerfal Chriftian Love and Unity, and that onpretence of fume fingular Opinion of their own, in which they thought they were wafer than others, and would have had all to be of their mind ; and Ihould thofe that cry down-Here- lie, go the way of Hereticks, if they can but get Number and ,Pc=wer to pretend Catholicifm 14. Did not the Holy Ghoft by St. Pad, as plain as the Pen of Man can write, determine, Rom. 14. and 15. and Eph. 4.6, 7, &c. and t Ccr. t a. that Chriftians Mould receive each o- ther into Communion, and live in Love and Peace, notwith. ftanding