Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

C 293 ) ftanding differences about Meats, Days, and fuch indifferent things ; yea, or Weaknefhes in Faith and Holinefs ? And did -not Chritt mind the Ceremonious Pharifees, That God will have Mercy rather than Sacrifice ; and that they worfhipped God in vain, while they preferred their Ceremonies and Traditions to his Word ? O. 15. Had it been Reafon, or Impudency rather, in the Pharifees, if they had cryed our againft Chriít and his Apoliles, for not Conforming to their Traditions, [ Touare Schifinatickr, sand dafturb the Curch's and the Nation's Pcace, and cafe all into Confufion] ? And was it not Turbulent Arrogancy that made. the 1ewifh Chriftians fo urgent with all theGentiles, to be Cir- cumcifed, when they were left to their own Ceremonies, and no body medled with them, or hindred them ? If men love that Diet, let them life it : But muff none live that cannot love the fame? . ÿ; 16. Will you give men leave to open all the real Faults they can find in the Diocefan or Parifh- Churches ? And if they prove far more than they can prove in theirs, Will you there- fore filence all your Teachers, and íhut up all your Church- doors, and give over worfhipping God ? Do you think that your Priefts and your Worfhip are without Fault; yea, or the Conftitutionof your-Churches ? We are not able well to know what a Parifh-Church is, by its Materials; that is, who are of the Churches, and who not. i. If it be all the Baptized Pari- fhioners, the Papifts and Separatifts are your Members. If it be all fuch as areofnoother Church, then the Atheifts, Infidels, Seducers, and others that are ofnoChurch indeed are ofit. 3. If it be only thofe that dwell and communicate there, how fmall a partof your great Parifhes are of the Church ? Yet are not thefe many Thoufands declared to be out, but are permitted without Cenfure, and may come if they will: Not only the Members, but the Minifter himfeif knc,weth not who areof his Church, for the far greater part, till he feethem come to the Altar, and then moft, if they come, mutt be utter ftrangers to him whom he never faw before. Flow great a Number of Robbij s, Infidels, Papifts, and wicked Livers are amongft us, your own Pens proclaim. And may not thefe come to the Al- tar when they . pleafe ? This is fpoken only to convince you, that ifall this may be born, the-fuppofed firs of fearing fin in a thing