Ca98) 26. As to the commoncry that we are ¡nary filmed rot our being for the Parliament in the late VVars, i. is that the. meaningofthetia of Oblivion? Are they friends to King or Kingdom that will not faffer our fores to heal ; but when all. are retarned to theLove ofpeace, ftiil . fill mens ears with the. noire and fears of VVar ? 2. Did the King fo judge of General r'onk,andhis Army who refl;ored him, who yet were hotly fight. ing in Scotland againffthe King, while we were preaching againfh theÜfurpers ? ;. Do not our long requets yet filence thofe . incendiaries; while we offer and crave but that thofe may have leave to PreachChrift's Gofpel and VVorfhip God, who never had to dowith any VVar againft the King, and that they filence only all the reft, ( which we fuppofeare anumber not very con- fiderable) ? 27. As to any other charge, is it not . that which we crave our (elves, that if any Non-conformifts be proved guilty of clrunkennefs, fornication, lying, perjury, opprelfion, or other immorality or Rebellion or Sedition, they may be punifhed as the crime deferveth ? 27. Do you believe that the great Parifh Mtnifters need no help ? Can any man think fo, who believeth the worth ofa Soul,and'tinderftandeth but one half a Paftorswork,. and why it was that the Primitive Church had fo many. Presbyters and Dea- cons with a Bifh.op,toChurches of frnaller number by far than our. great Pariihes ? Anddo not all M-inifters of fenfeand"fobriety, confefs their need of many to help them, and lay that it is the want of Maintenance that hindereth it ? and if that be it, why may not we be endured to help them for nothing, while we Preach the fame Gofpel, and fubmit to beg our Bread ? Doth helping them freely deferve our deftruft"ion ? 2S-: Whomdid Chrift or anyof hisApoftles ever Silence, who Preached only found Doctrine, for any difference about Circumftantials of mans, invention ? Or where did they ever commandor authorize any others fo todo ? When force would have Chrift reftrain force from ufeing his name who followed himnot, he rebuked the motion, laying, he that is not Igainft us, .. isfor us. When force preached not fincerely, but envioufly, and contentioufly, to add affliaion to his bonds, St. Paul was glad yet that Chrift was Preached, and profeflèd that he did and could rejoice therein, Phil, i. iS.. , , 29. I7o.