303 ) and deriding each other as Whiggs and Tories a Is it not their defign to banifh Confcience and abfoluteObedience to God ? And you know who ruleth where God and Confciecce loth not rule. And what is it that the unconfcionable will not do, for worldly intereft ? Anddid not the Papifts always know that our Love and Concord would be our ftrength, and their terrour ? O. 47. Who is it that was, or is able to cure all thefe our di- vilions ? It never was in our power, noryet is, unlefs damning our fouls by willful fin mutt be the cure : For we have oft offered our Oaths that nothingbut fearof fin sall hinder us from con- forming. Ifour fear come from ignorance, do the Churches fuf- fer none more ignorantthanwe ? But how eafy were it with o- thers, without fin, or colt to cure all ?.. Q. 48. Is it not God's great Mercy to our Land,, that we have had twenty years peace, while other Lands have been mi- ferable by Wars ? And if it be the Preachers of the. Gofpel that yet will give the Land no peace, but cry out, execute, profecute, fffr not;ftrike home, and their judgment be the executioners en- couragment, who fay, The Clergy tells us.it Is our duty ; ,I had ra- theranfwer themwith tears than words. k. 49. Should not the long and univerfal experience of the ChriftianVVorld be force: warning to us, which thefe thoufand years hash been broken into fhreds, by the contentions of the Clergy, and their Magifterial needlefs impohtions, and by for faking the Primitivepurity and fmplicity ? 5o. Are not thefe words in the Liturgy before the Sacra- ment very terrible : " If any ofyou be a hinderer or flanderer of 6` God's Word----or be in malice or envy Repent of your fin, 0`-and come not to this Holy Table, left after the taking of the Sa. crament, the Devil enter intoyou as he did into yudas, and fill yü` "full .of iniquities, and bringyou to deftruEtionof Body andSoul And are not the Words of our judge more terribl..: 44 Mat. 25. Departfromme ye curfed intoeverlafingfireprepared or " theDevil and his Angels : For I was hungry, --thirty, a firn- ° ger,_-naleed,--in prifon, &c. In asmuch as ye didit not to one ofthe 4.4 leaft ofthcfe, ye did it not to me And thefe shall go away into "everlafting punifhment ; but the Righteous into Life eternal ? O let me never be one of thole, who for nothing !half run on fuck a doom ,i