304 . a,- 5o. If yet obje ions or the mil underfi=ánding of out came do fruftrate all thefe reafons, I have anfwered fo many objections, and fo far opened the caufe already, as here is not to be repeated, viz,. In the Firfl- and Second Pleas for Peace, In the Apology for our Preaching, and in the Treatife of Epifcopacy. And againft the judgment of thole Reverend Fathers who flill cry [ Abate nothing, and fuffer them not ; do execution] I fet the judgment, L Of the King, t. In his Declaration from Breda. 2. His healing Gracious Declaration about Ecclefiaftical Affairs, 166o 3. And that'of 1662. I L The Judgment of the late Houfe of Commons, jan. Io. 1680. "Rtfolved that it is the Opinion of this Houfe, that the « profecution of Proteffant-Diffenters upon the Pencil. Laws= is at L; this time grievous to the S,jeUs, a weakning the ?rote ant ec Interefl, and dangerous to the Peace of the Kingdom. I I L Chrift's Canon -Law, I fohn 4. 8, 16. He that Loveth not knoweth nct God, for God is Love : God is love, and he that dwelleth in Love, drvelleth in God, and God in him. Joh. 13.35. By this (,all all men know that ye are my cï- ples, if ye have Love one to another. Rom. 14. 17, 18. The Kingdom ofGod is not Meat and Drink but Righteoufnefs, and Peace, and 7o}ß in the Holy Ghofr : For he ,that- in theft. jerveth Chriff is acceptable to God and approved of Mena verf. 1. Hilt that is weak in the Faith, Receive we, but not to doubtful difputations, &c. I Thef 5. 12 ) 13. We befeech youBrethren to know them which L AB OVR AMONG you and are over you in the Lord, ved to efteem them very highly in Love for their WOR K fake, ad be at Peace among yourfelvés. Sam. 2. 30. Them that honour me 1 will honour, and they that djpife me Pall be lightly efleemed. 1 -e E NG LANDS SLAVE RT. Q . TS not Silencing taking all we have, and lying 1 erile ongR g fl'om f lvtonths to fix Months till we die, greater Slavery he Tu6 influa on Chrifcians? 2. What is this for ? And on what fort of Men ? 3. Who be they that have caufed and continued it after 27 Years riènce of the of etas ? 4.-What is Diabolifin if thh be not ? '. 5. Why is not publick Repentance of it proclaimed?