Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(J3) XVII. Wenever pleaded for any Elders (orChancellors)'pow- erof the Keys, who arebut Lay-men. XVIII. We never held that Magiftrates are bound toadd their force by theSword, to thecenfures of the Church as fuch, and to punifh men more becaufe the Church hath by Excommunica- tion call them out, or becaufe they are not reconciled. . XIX. We never thought that things indifferent do. become un- lawful to us, becaufe theMagiftrate commandeth them. XX. We never 'held that the Scripture is a particular Rule, commanding every accident and circumftance about Gods Wor' fhip, but only a general Rule (requiring all to be done in Love and Peace, and to edification, and decently, &c.) in thofecir- cumftances which muft be forne way. determined, and God hath left to variable Humane determination : Such. as are Time, Place,. Utenfils, Tranflations, SeElions, Metres, Tunes, Methods and Words in Preaching and. Prayer, Habit, Gefture, and many fuch. XXI. We never held it, unla to do one of thefe atlions, . thongh it were by miftake unlawfully commanded.; e. g. If the Rulers prefcribe a Time, Place, Metre, Tune, &c. unfit, if it be not fo bad as to overthrow the ends and. ufe of the Worfhip,, the fault of the Commander will not difobiige us from the duty of obeying. And whereas forne argue, that no man hath authority to fin, ergo, we are not bound to obey that which is no ail of au- thority : I anfwer, Rulers have authority to command that which is good, though notin a:faulty manner ; and when we cannot do the good without the faulty manner, it is their fault and not ours :. e.. g. If an inconvenient Time, Place, Text, Tune, &c. be cho- fen, the Union and Concord which is held by agreeing in thole. Modes is necêffay : He that will not joy!) in them cannot joya in the Worfhip. So that we obey the Ruler or Guide as a de- terminer of the means of Concord, which is necefl'ary, and not fub ratione erroris, as mifietermining, though in that which is. mifdetermined. If a Mafter bid his Servant go at anunfeafonable- time about his work, it's his duty togo at that time. We never praywithout forne fault in the manner, and yet muft rather do it fo than not at all. The miftaken Ruler bids us not fin : It's his fin to choofea mifcircumflance ; and it is not his own anon that_, he bids is do,. but ours And its to us a lawful circumflance,,