Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

C 31 TheWords at Ordination are there. 1. On Deacons and priens. [Will you reverently obey your Ordinary and other chief Miniflers to whom is committed the Chawe and Government over yoit , following with aglad Mind and Will their godly Admonitions andfubmitting your felver to their godly Ad,g-ments? Anfw. / will fo do, the Lord being my help. The Form of the Oath which they ufe to impofe is this.. Ego A. B. Piro quod prefiabo Veram& Canonicum Obedienriam- Epifcopo Londinenfi ejufq., fucceforibus in omnibiis licitis honeflis. (And little know we of what Religion their Succeffors will be, or who will have the choofing of them ? l'le not fwear to I know not who.) The Bifhops themfelves alfo mull: take this Oath of due Obedience to the Arch-bilhop. In the Name of God Amen : N. chofenBifhop of the Church and See of N. do profefs and pro- mire all due reverence and obedience to the Arch-Bijhop and to the Metropolitan Church of N.and to their Succeffors, So help me God through fefimChrifl. L. What is your Controverfie againfi any ofthis? M. We do not queftion the duty of obeying the King and all his Officers, governing as Magiftrates by the power of the Swords which the King may commit to them. If Bifhops or Lay Chancellors be made Mag-iflrates, we will o- bey them as fuch : And therefore when they fiunmon us, we appear and anfwer, becaufe the King authorizeth them. And many Non-conformifts have defended the taking the Promife as fuppofing that the Word [Ordinary] fignifieth only the Judge of a Court let up by the King as Supream Governor by the Sword in matters and over perfons Ecclefiaftical as well. as Civil, according to the true fence of the Oath of Supre. macy. 2. We do not refufe to promife and fwear due Obedience to fuch as are our Lawful Paftors, ruling the Church by. the power of the Keys according to the Word of God : Though we think that requiring fuch Oaths is an irregularity in themagainft the ancient Canons, and a farr higher. prefumption than the Independents Covenant. 3, We do not deny a patient and quiet rubmiflion to un-