( 3 3 ) form by anOath ofAllegiance or Obedience to them, though they live .peaceablyunder them. IY. They that think that by Scripture, and Reafon, and Univerfal ChurchCuftonis and Canons, they are no Bithops or Paftors that come in by Magiftrates without the Eleftion or confent of the Flocks and Clergy, think that to fwear Obedience to them is to be guilty of their Ufurpation. Thefe four be the things refufed in this Oath and Covenant of Obedience. L. And what have you againft obeying according to the Canon ?` M. I. You may gather it from the foregoing enumeration of the Canonical Impoftions : Many things of a heinoufer nature than Liturgies, Ceremonies or thingsIndifferent. . We dare not obey an Order for Excommunication ac- cording to the 4th. Canon, againft any man that affirmeth that the Book of Common-Prayer containeth any thing in it that is repugnant to the Scriptures. Judge that by the proof that I (hall anon give. 2. The fame I fay of the Excommunication in Can. s, 6, 7, 8. and many others, which are after to be particularly mentioned. 3. And there are many things in the Canons which we dare not practice,_ and therefore dare not fwear Canonical Obedience. L. That Oath doth not oblige you to approve of all, that is in the Canons, no more than a YmuJtiees Oath to execute the Laws doth bind him to approve of, or execute every Law. M. We would not be guilty of an over rigorous Expofi- don: But had it been in the days of Queen Mary, when the Six Articles, and other Lawes for Murdering Innocents were on foot, and were actually expounded by Execution, I would not have been one of the Juftices that thould have fworn to execute them. Though a Juftice be, not bound to approve every Law, he is bound in the main to execute them in his place ; And if he know that the Impofers of his Oath did mean, that he thould in a fpecial manner execute e, g. the Laws againft Proteftants, he should not take that Oath con- trary to their fence. Our Canons make there things fore- mentioned their principal part, as you may fee by. putting F them