ir (36) think how the High Priefts were made (out ofa wro rig line, by Roman power and purchafe, &c.) in Chrifts time, and how much he was for fubmidion to them, and a ife of all that was good and lawful, done by thofe bad unlawful intruders, it refolveth me to regard bare PofJeffion, fo far as our own edi- fication and the common peace requireth. But as Chrift was a Nonconformift to the Pharifees vain Traditions, fo he was fo far from fiwearing Obedience to thefe Ufurpers, that he oft plainly and vehemently reproveth them. Many, for the ba- ntam publicum, which is Suprema Lex and finis regiminis, did live in quiet fubmiflïon to the Ufurpers of civtl'power here,who yet would never have fworne obedience to them or juftified theirUfurpation. That the frame of Diocefans as the onlyBifhops is unlawful totafpecie,t have fo largely proved in myTreatifeofEpifcopacy, that I muff not here repeat it, as long as the Diocefan party bynot anfwering it feem to grant it. I have proved, Y. That this Diocefan Species deflroyeth the old Species of particular Churches, turning the Parifhes into no Churches, but parts ofa Diocefan Church while they make a Bifliop elfential to a Church. z.. That they fet up a falfe Species inftead of it, viz. A Church infima fpeciei, which bath many Icore Parifhes, if not many hundred in it, without any under-Bàfhop to them. 3. That it depofeth the old fpecies of Bifhops and Presbyters both, which were [ to every Church of the lowest fpecies] a Bithop with his Presbyters ejufdem ordinii (if they could be had) fo that many fcoreor hundred Bifhops aré put down, on pretenfe of Petting up Epifcopacy. 4. And they fet up both Bifhop and Presbyters ofa, humane unlawful fort inftead of thofe depofed, viz. Arch-bifhop in- fnsi ordinis, over a thoufand.or hundred Carcaffes of Churches : and half Presbyters that have' not the power ofthe Keys, nor are of the fame Order with the Bifhops.. 5. That they depofed Chrifts true Church Difcipline, and made it as impoffible as for one School.mafter alone to govern all the Schools in a' Diocefs, or one Phyfician many hundred Hofpitals, or one Mayor many Hundred Corporations, with- out any School- wafter- (but an Ufher or Monitor) or any Phy, tiara, or any Mayor or Juftice.under him. 6. That.