(38) -roux confequence. And they that are for Councils ihould not engage us caufelefly again( them. 3. The prefent Impofitions greatly flop us, till we better know what it is that we mutt do. We have caufe to make a Rand, when we are all fworn [never to endeavour any altera- tion of the Government of' the State which we readily obey, and yet feem to becalled to do that which we are told by fome is an alteration of it : That is, the making of our prefent ipecies of Archbifhops , Bithops , Deans , Archdeacons, yea Chancellors, Officials, Commiffaries, &c. as unchangeable a part of the Government as Monarchy it felf is, and fo dif- abling the King to make any alteration in them. For fet all this together and confider, r. All the Clergy is bound or fworn to obey both Bifhops and every Ordinary. 2. The Canon ipfo facto, Excommunicates every man that af- firmeth that the Church Government under his Majefty by Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans, Archdeacons and THE REST THAT BEAROFFICE in the fame, is repugnant to the word of God ; fo that all the Lords and. Gentlemen in England that have affirmed that the Government by the Keys as ufèd by Diocefans over hundreds of Churches, or by Archdeacons, Lay Chancellors, &c. Is repugnant to God's word, being al- ready ipfo faflo Excommunicate, how far they are capable of being Parliament -men I know not : but I fiippofe if in Par- liament they (hall affirm any filch repugnancy they are Excom- municate; and without the A t of King and Parliament no alteration can be made. 3. And now to fix them all, the Kingdom is fworn never to endeavour any alteration in the Church Government : viz. In theCorporation Ad, the Militia Act, the Vefry 4tf, the Oxford fwearing .'lt, after the Adof Vni- formity. And is not every Chancellor, or Archdeacon, or Bilhop nowmade as immutable necelThry a part of the King- dom as the King ? L. Youfpealj,ignorantly for want of acquaintance with the Law: Do you think King and Parliament oblige themfelves. It is only particular fubjetls out of Parliament that they oblige. M I. But when the Parliament is diífolved, are they not all particular fubjects fave the King. And are they not all then hereby bound? And doyou think that it was the meaningofthe Alt