Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(39 ) At that they who (wear neverto endeavour alteration, may yet endeavour it, if they be chofen Parliament men ? I will manifeftly difprove it. All thefe Oaths do joyn the Govern- ment of Church andState together : Yea, and put the Church- Government firf?, as if it had the preeminence. But it was ne- ver the meaning of the Oath, that the Parliament may en- deavour to alter Monarchy, which is the State-Government : Ergo, it meant not that they may endeavour to 'alter Pre- lacy or Church- Government. Il. But fuppofe it be as you fay, They that know thepre- fent thing called the ChurchofEngland know that their Writers openly maintain that the Obligation of the Canons depends not on the Parliament, fave only as to the forceable execution of them, but on the authority of the Church as a Society em- powred by Chrift : And therefore that King or Parliaments . at leaft may be Excommunicated by them as well as others. All are Excommunicate men that do but call their Govern ment finful. C H A P. VIE. II. Ofthereftraint of Ordained Mint ers rofn Preaching, and expounding anyScripture, or 11ät® ter or Darine, Cana 49 ,. THat is it that you have againf? Conformity in this ? M. I. That men are at once made Chrift's Mini- filers, and forbid to exercife that which they are Ordained. to. II. That we are laid under the hainous guilt of breaking. our Vow, when they have engaged us to make it; and of betraying mens Souls, by omitting a vowed duty. 3. That we are forbidden that which is the duty of every Lay Chriftian that is able, as if they would fupprefs Religi- on and Charity it feif. L.. But you do not fwear or fubfcribe to this Canon, s.. But we are hound by them to obey this Canon ; for it is the Law of the whole Church of England. 2. 1 have (hewed you that fwearing obedience to themmutt mean, obeying their Laws which are far more of weight than particular mandates. L. Bu,