Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

o (44) Il. But it is the fecond , that is the Trojan horfe whofe name is Legion, I mean that hath many more evils in the belly of it, viz.. that we muff profefs that the three Books, Articles, Liturgy and Ordination are fo utterly faultlefs that there is nothing in them Contrary to the word of God, and that we .Agent and Confent to all contained and prefcribed in and by them. L. What haveyou againfl this ? what is there in it that is con- trary to God's word ? M. God's word is perfe t and forbids the leaít faulty errour, or defet. If we hadnever feen the Book, we know that men made it, and that every one that made it had igno- rance, error and fn, and can a perfeFi faultlefs volumn be made by fuch faulty men? Operari feguitur effe. They renounce all pretenfions to Infallibility in the Articles of Religion. L. Toll interpret the words rigoroufly : By [nothing contrary] they mean nothing fo contrary, as that one may not ufe the Books. M. If by [nothing] they mean not [nothing] and if by [contrary] they mean not [contrary] we will better know what they mean before we fubf-ribe, elfe you may make it lawful to fubfcribe to any thing in the world, and fay that the Impofers mean better than theyfpec.4. L. And Affent and Confent exprefly confined to the ufe. M. r. I (hall prove that that is not true. 2. That if it were true it no whit amends the matter, nor maketh it lawful to us. I. It is not true: For. 1. The words ofthedeclaration arc as exprefly univerfal as man can (peak: And the foregoing words [to the ufe] do fpeak but de fine, and the words of the Decla- ration de mediù: And all Lawyers agree that when the title of a Law expreffeth the End, that liwiteth not the fenfe of the words of the Law, becaufe the Means may be larger than the End. As the Oxford Aa of Confinement is in the title to keep Nonconformifis from Corporations ; And yet Lawyers re- .folve that it extendeth al fo to Conforms, ifone ofthem fhould but once preach in a Conventicle. The Parliament and Prelates thought that theway to fecure the Vfe, was to oblige them to Aunt and Confent to all in the Book contained and prefcribed 3. Therefore they ty all to declare in that fame form ofwords, and