( 46 fiderationofthe matter, and the Authors together : The Book of Articles, Liturgie and Ordination area big Volumn, and contain great variety of matter, and that high and myfLer. i- ous; The Authors were every oneof themmen of imperfeéti- on, that had ignorance, error and fin : And operation excee- deth not power. Who dare fay that any Sermon, or Prayer that ever he maketh, bath nothing in it but what he may af- fent and confent to : Much leis fo great a Book. 2. The Articles which mutt be flbfcribed as faultlefs, fay Art. t 5. [Chrift alone is without fn But all we the refl (though baptized and born again in Chr:fl) yet offend en in many things, and if we fay that we have no fin, we deceive our felves, and the truth is not in raa] AndArt. 2 r. [General Councils. For as much theybe an Aftmbly of men whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God, they may err, and fsnetimes have erred, even in thingspertaining to -God] And are our Convocation more in- fallible than General Councils ? The Church mull be exem- plary in humility ; and is it humility to fay, we Bithops and Priefts having written three Books; he !hall not preach Chrift's Gofpel that will not declare that there is not a word in them that is faulty, or repugnant to God's word, and will not affent and confent to all therein. 3. The Papifts hereby fcandalized, do fcorn us, and fay, The queftion is not now of an Infallibility, or a Judge that all mutt affent to. It is but who this Infalìible judge is : whe- ther it be the Pope and a General Council, or the Englifb Convocation, which is liker to be of greater authorityand in- fallibility ; we require no greater affent and confent ofyou to the Canons of the Univerfal Church , than the State and Church of England require to their Books. 4. This feemeth to us to let the Articles , Liturgic and Ordination Book above the Bible. 1. God himfelfbath not made the affent and confent to every thingcontained and pre. fcribed in the Bible necefTry to Salvation, or to the Miniftry. 4. There are divers Books in our Bibles whofe Divine autho- rity, many have queftioned, who yet were not for that de- graded. The Apochryplal books arc yet controverted by men tolerated on both fides. There are hundreds of various Read- ings, where noone is neceffitated todetermine for this or that. Tran-